Marco Hubert
Marco Hubert
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Are there neural gender differences in online trust? An fMRI study on the perceived trustworthiness of eBay offers.
R Riedl, M Hubert, P Kenning
MIS quarterly 34 (2), 2010
Acceptance of smartphone‐based mobile shopping: Mobile benefits, customer characteristics, perceived risks, and the impact of application context
M Hubert, M Blut, C Brock, C Backhaus, T Eberhardt
Psychology & Marketing 34 (2), 175-194, 2017
Debt out of control: The links between self-control, compulsive buying, and real debts
A Achtziger, M Hubert, P Kenning, G Raab, L Reisch
Journal of economic psychology 49, 141-149, 2015
The influence of acceptance and adoption drivers on smart home usage
M Hubert, M Blut, C Brock, RW Zhang, V Koch, R Riedl
European journal of marketing 53 (6), 1073-1098, 2019
Neural correlates of impulsive buying tendencies during perception of product packaging
M Hubert, M Hubert, A Florack, M Linzmajer, P Kenning
Psychology & Marketing 30 (10), 861-873, 2013
Trust me if you can–neurophysiological insights on the influence of consumer impulsiveness on trustworthiness evaluations in online settings
M Hubert, M Hubert, M Linzmajer, R Riedl, P Kenning
European Journal of Marketing 52 (1/2), 118-146, 2018
Flag up!–Flagship products as important drivers of perceived brand innovativeness
M Hubert, A Florack, R Gattringer, T Eberhardt, E Enkel, P Kenning
Journal of Business Research 71, 154-163, 2017
Driving marketing outcomes through social media-based customer engagement
V Kulikovskaja, M Hubert, KG Grunert, H Zhao
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 74, 103445, 2023
Identifying and analysing the drivers of heterogeneity among ecosystem builder accelerators
KM Prexl, M Hubert, S Beck, C Heiden, R Prügl
R&d Management 49 (4), 624-638, 2019
Effectiveness of engagement initiatives across engagement platforms: A meta-analysis
M Blut, V Kulikovskaja, M Hubert, C Brock, D Grewal
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 51 (5), 941-965, 2023
Wie Marken wirken: Impulse aus der Neuroökonomie für die Markenführung
D Ahlert, M André, C Duchmann, C Elger, FR Esch, B Evans, ...
Vahlen, 2011
The role of subjective knowledge and perceived trustworthiness in fair trade consumption for fashion and food products
T Eberhardt, M Hubert, HM Lischka, M Hubert, Z Lin
Journal of consumer marketing 38 (1), 58-68, 2021
Digital maturity: Development and validation of the Digital Maturity Inventory (DIMI)
F Laaber, A Florack, T Koch, M Hubert
Computers in Human Behavior 143, 107709, 2023
Are we a growing a green generation? Exploring young people’s pro-environmental orientation over time
A Grønhøj, M Hubert
Journal of Marketing Management 38 (9-10), 844-865, 2022
Compulsive buying: an increasing problem? Investigating and comparing trends in Germany and Denmark, 2010-2012.
M Hubert, M Hubert, W Gwozdz, G Raab, LA Reisch
The neural underpinnings of performance-based incentives
T Strombach, M Hubert, P Kenning
Journal of Economic Psychology 50, 1-12, 2015
Consumer neuroscience the effect of retail brands on the perception of product packaging
M Hubert, M Hubert, J Sommer, PH Kenning
Marketing Review St. Gallen 26 (4), 28-33, 2009
Exploring a customer engagement spillover effect on social media: The moderating role of customer conscientiousness
LD Hollebeek, V Kulikovskaja, M Hubert, KG Grunert
Internet Research 33 (4), 1573-1596, 2023
Introducing connectivity analysis to NeuroIS research
M Hubert, M Linzmajer, R Riedl, P Kenning, M Hubert
Using psycho-physiological interaction analysis with fMRI data in IS research: A guideline
M Hubert, M Linzmajer, R Riedl, M Hubert, P Kenning, B Weber
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 40 (1), 9, 2017
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Artículos 1–20