Finite amplitude method for the solution of the random-phase approximation T Nakatsukasa, T Inakura, K Yabana
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 76 (2), 024318, 2007
214 2007 Canonical-basis time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory and linear-response calculations S Ebata, T Nakatsukasa, T Inakura, K Yoshida, Y Hashimoto, K Yabana
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 82 (3), 034306, 2010
201 2010 Emergence of pygmy dipole resonances: Magic numbers and neutron skins T Inakura, T Nakatsukasa, K Yabana
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 84 (2), 021302, 2011
111 2011 Self-consistent calculation of nuclear photoabsorption cross sections: Finite amplitude method with Skyrme functionals in the three-dimensional real space T Inakura, T Nakatsukasa, K Yabana
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 80 (4), 044301, 2009
101 2009 Glauber-model analysis of total reaction cross sections for Ne, Mg, Si, and S isotopes with Skyrme-Hartree-Fock densities W Horiuchi, T Inakura, T Nakatsukasa, Y Suzuki
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 86 (2), 024614, 2012
79 2012 Cranked Skyrme–Hartree–Fock calculation for superdeformed and hyperdeformed rotational bands in N= Z nuclei from 32S to 48Cr T Inakura, S Mizutori, M Yamagami, K Matsuyanagi
Nuclear Physics A 710 (3-4), 261-278, 2002
77 2002 Systematic investigation of low-lying dipole modes using the canonical-basis time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory S Ebata, T Nakatsukasa, T Inakura
Physical review C 90 (2), 024303, 2014
69 2014 Effects of three-nucleon spin-orbit interaction on isotope shifts of Pb nuclei H Nakada, T Inakura
Physical Review C 91 (2), 021302, 2015
45 2015 Probing neutron-skin thickness with total reaction cross sections W Horiuchi, Y Suzuki, T Inakura
Physical Review C 89 (1), 011601, 2014
38 2014 Mixed representation RPA calculation for octupole excitations on superdeformed states in the 40Ca and neutron-rich sulfur regions T Inakura, H Imagawa, Y Hashimoto, S Mizutori, M Yamagami, ...
Nuclear Physics A 768 (1-2), 61-79, 2006
38 2006 Dipole strength distribution in Fe T Shizuma, T Hayakawa, H Ohgaki, H Toyokawa, T Komatsubara, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 87 (2), 024301, 2013
33 2013 Low-energy strength in select nuclei: Possible constraints on neutron skin and symmetry energy T Inakura, T Nakatsukasa, K Yabana
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 88 (5), 051305, 2013
32 2013 Observation of isoscalar and isovector dipole excitations in neutron-rich 20O N Nakatsuka, H Baba, T Aumann, R Avigo, SR Banerjee, A Bracco, ...
Physics Letters B 768, 387-392, 2017
30 2017 Constraining the slope parameter of the symmetry energy from nuclear structure T Inakura, H Nakada
Physical Review C 92 (6), 064302, 2015
24 2015 Mean-field analysis of ground-state and low-lying electric dipole strength in T Inakura, W Horiuchi, Y Suzuki, T Nakatsukasa
Physical Review C 89 (6), 064316, 2014
20 2014 Pairing core swelling effect in Pb isotopes at W Horiuchi, T Inakura
Physical Review C 105 (4), 044303, 2022
18 2022 Core swelling in spherical nuclei: An indication of the saturation of nuclear density W Horiuchi, T Inakura
Physical Review C 101 (6), 061301, 2020
18 2020 Deformation effect on nuclear density profile and radius enhancement in light-and medium-mass neutron-rich nuclei W Horiuchi, T Inakura
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2021 (10), 103D02, 2021
17 2021 Enhanced strength observed in MSR Laskar, R Palit, E Ideguchi, T Inakura, SN Mishra, FS Babra, ...
Physical Review C 104 (1), L011301, 2021
17 2021 Crossover from skin mode to proton-neutron mode in excitations of neutron-rich nuclei H Nakada, T Inakura, H Sawai
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 87 (3), 034302, 2013
16 2013