Cooperation, productivity, and profit sharing FR FitzRoy, K Kraft The Quarterly Journal of Economics 102 (1), 23-35, 1987 | 459 | 1987 |
Self-employment wealth and job creation: The roles of gender, non-pecuniary motivation and entrepreneurial ability AE Burke, FR Fitzroy, MA Nolan Small business economics 19, 255-270, 2002 | 408 | 2002 |
When less is more: distinguishing between entrepreneurial choice and performance AE Burke, FR Fitzroy, MA Nolan Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 62 (5), 565-587, 2000 | 287 | 2000 |
What makes a die-hard entrepreneur? Beyond the ‘employee or entrepreneur’dichotomy AE Burke, FR FitzRoy, MA Nolan Small business economics 31, 93-115, 2008 | 276 | 2008 |
Co‐determination, efficiency and productivity F FitzRoy, K Kraft British journal of industrial relations 43 (2), 233-247, 2005 | 258 | 2005 |
Profitability and profit-sharing FR FitzRoy, K Kraft The Journal of Industrial Economics, 113-130, 1986 | 241 | 1986 |
Productive efficiency, incentives and employee participation: Some preliminary results for West Germany JR Cable, FR FitzRoy Kyklos 33 (1), 100-121, 1980 | 233 | 1980 |
Economic effects of codetermination FR FitzRoy, K Kraft The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 95 (3), 365-375, 1993 | 183 | 1993 |
Effciency and internal organization: Works councils in West German firms FR FitzRoy, K Kraft Economica, 493-504, 1987 | 176 | 1987 |
Public transport demand in Freiburg: why did patronage double in a decade? F FitzRoy, I Smith Transport policy 5 (3), 163-173, 1998 | 167 | 1998 |
Unionization, wages and efficiency FR FitzRoy, K KRAFT* Kyklos 38 (4), 537-554, 1985 | 138 | 1985 |
Innovation, rent-sharing and the organization of labour in the federal republic of Germany FR FitzRoy, K Kraft Small Business Economics 2, 95-103, 1990 | 116 | 1990 |
On the choice of incentives in firms FR FitzRoy, K Kraft Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 26 (1), 145-160, 1995 | 111 | 1995 |
High-technology employment and R&D in cities: heterogeneity vs specialization ZJ Acs, FR FitzRoy, I Smith The Annals of Regional Science 36, 373-386, 2002 | 109 | 2002 |
High technology employment, wages and university r&d spillovers: Evidence from us cities ZJ Acs, FR Fitzroy, I Smith Economics of innovation and new technology 8 (1-2), 57-78, 1999 | 95 | 1999 |
Cooperation and conflict in contractual organizations FR FitzRoy, DC Mueller Quarterly Review of Economics and Business 24 (4), 24-49, 1984 | 92 | 1984 |
Hours, layoffs and unemployment insurance funding: theory and practice in an international perspective FR FitzRoy, RA Hart The Economic Journal 95 (379), 700-713, 1985 | 81 | 1985 |
Season tickets and the demand for public transport F FitzRoy, I Smith Kyklos 52 (2), 219-238, 1999 | 72 | 1999 |
Management and economics of organization FR FitzRoy, ZJ Acs, DA Gerlowski (No Title), 1998 | 71 | 1998 |
Forms of profit sharing and firm performance: Theoretical... FR FitzRoy, K Kraft Kyklos 45 (2), 1992 | 69 | 1992 |