Gennadiy Burlak
Gennadiy Burlak
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Stability boundary and collisions of two-dimensional solitons in -symmetric couplers with the cubic-quintic nonlinearity
G Burlak, BA Malomed
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (6 …, 2013
Biometrics in online assessments: A study case in high school students
JA Hernández, AO Ortiz, J Andaverde, G Burlak
18th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers …, 2008
Electromagnetic oscillations in a multilayer spherical stack
G Burlak, S Koshevaya, J Sanchez-Mondragon, V Grimalsky
Optics communications 180 (1-3), 49-58, 2000
Electromagnetic eigenoscillations and fields in a dielectric microsphere with multilayer spherical stack
G Burlak, S Koshevaya, J Sanchez-Mondragon, V Grimalsky
Optics communications 187 (1-3), 91-105, 2001
Detecting cheats in online student assessments using Data Mining
JA Hernándeza, A Ochoab, J Muñozd, G Burlaka
Conference on Data Mining| DMIN 6, 205, 2006
Spectrum of Cherenkov radiation in dispersive metamaterials with negative refraction index
G Burlak
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 132, 149-158, 2012
The classical and quantum dynamics of the multispherical nanostructures
G Burlak
Imperial College Press, 2004
Cranium of Dinohippus mexicanus (Mammalia: Equidae): from the early Pliocene (latest Hemphillian) of central Mexico, and the origin of Equus
BJ MacFadden, Ó Carranza-Castañeda
University of Florida, 2002
Dynamics of matter-wave solitons in a time-modulated two-dimensional optical lattice
G Burlak, BA Malomed
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (5), 053606, 2008
PT-symmetric couplers with competing cubic-quintic nonlinearities
G Burlak, S Garcia-Paredes, BA Malomed
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 26 (11), 2016
Optical percolation in ceramics assisted by porous clusters
G Burlak, M Vlasova, PAM Aguilar, M Kakazey, L Xixitla-Cheron
Optics communications 282 (14), 2850-2856, 2009
Acoustic hysteresis phenomena due to the dislocation nonlinearity in crystals
GN Burlak, IV Ostrovskii
Technical Physics Letters 23, 725-726, 1997
Optical radiation from coated microsphere with active core
GN Burlak
Physics Letters A 299 (1), 94-101, 2002
The use of data mining to determine cheating in online student assessment
GN Burlak, J Hernandez, A Ochoa, J Munoz
Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference (CERMA'06) 1, 161-166, 2006
Critical behavior of nanoemitter radiation in a percolation material
G Burlak, A Diaz-de-Anda, Y Karlovich, AB Klimov
Physics letters A 373 (16), 1492-1499, 2009
Mirrorless lasing from light emitters in percolating clusters
G Burlak, YG Rubo
Physical Review A 92 (1), 013812, 2015
Change of structure of the Cherenkov emission at modulated source in dispersive metamaterials
G Burlak, E Martinez-Sanchez
Progress in electromagnetics research 139, 277-288, 2013
Confinement of electromagnetic oscillations in a dielectric microsphere coated by the frequency dispersive multilayers
G Burlak, A Zamudio-Lara, D Juarez
Physics Letters A 289 (1-2), 99-105, 2001
Percolation and lasing in real 3D crystals with inhomogeneous distributed random pores
G Burlak, Y Calderón-Segura
Physica B: Condensed Matter 453, 8-13, 2014
Time-frequency integrals and the stationary phase method in problems of waves propagation from moving sources
G Burlak, V Rabinovich
SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 8, 096, 2012
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