Volha Kananovich
Volha Kananovich
Assistant Professor, Appalachian State University
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Audience as Journalistic Boundary Worker: The Rhetorical Use of Comments to Critique Media Practice, Assert Legitimacy and Claim Authority
V Kananovich, G Perreault
Journalism Studies 22 (3), 322-341, 2021
Young Adults’ Folk Theories of How Social Media Harms Its Users
R Young, V Kananovich, BG Johnson
Mass Communication and Society 26 (1), 23-46, 2023
Framing the Taxation-Democratization Link: An Automated Content Analysis of Cross-National Newspaper Data
V Kananovich
The International Journal of Press/Politics 23 (2), 247-267, 2018
Guarding the Firewall: How Political Journalists Distance Themselves From the Editorial Endorsement Process
G Perreault, V Kananovich, E Hackett
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 100 (2), 354-372, 2023
“Execute Not Pardon”: The Pussy Riot Case, Political Speech, and Blasphemy in Russian Law
V Kananovich
Communication Law and Policy 20 (4), 343-422, 2015
From “Angry Mobs” to “Citizens in Anguish”: The Malleability of the Protest Paradigm in the International News Coverage of the 2021 US Capitol Attack
V Kananovich
American Behavioral Scientist, 00027642221118265, 2022
Progressive Artists, Political Martyrs, or Blasphemous Hussies? A Content Analysis of the Russian Media Coverage of the Pussy Riot Affair
V Kananovich
Popular Music and Society 39 (4), 396-409, 2016
Too Hard to Shout Over the Loudest Frame: Effects of Competing Frames in the Context of the Crystallized Media Coverage on Offshore Outsourcing
V Kananovich, R Young
Atlantic Journal of Communication 27 (2), 99-113, 2019
Reproducing the Imprint of Power: Framing the “Creative Class” in Putin’s Russia
V Kananovich, FD Durham
International Journal of Communication 12, 1087-1113, 2018
#presidentspartingwords at a Critical Juncture: Reclaiming the Autonomous Subject in Social Media Discourse on Coronavirus in Belarus
V Kananovich
Journal of Communication Inquiry 46 (3), 244–267, 2022
Online memes on anti-American propaganda and the overlooked “silent majority” in support of authoritarian populism in Putin’s Russia
V Kananovich
New Media & Society 27 (3), 1256-1278, 2025
Pussy Riot vs. Civil Obedience: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Two Texts
V Kananovich
Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies 16 (1), 65-81, 2014
Subordinate or Entitled Partner? The Effects of Taxpayer News on Political Trust and Demands for Government Accountability
V Kananovich
Western Journal of Communication 88 (1), 170-193, 2024
Contract partner with no rights: the construction of the taxpayer subject in the Belarusian government press
V Kananovich
Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 19 (4), 325-343, 2022
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Artículos 1–14