Cynthia S. Q. Siew
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Cognitive network science: A review of research on cognition through the lens of network representations, processes, and dynamics
CSQ Siew, DU Wulff, NM Beckage, YN Kenett
Complexity 2019 (1), 2108423, 2019
Application of network analysis to identify interactive systems of eating disorder psychopathology
KT Forbush, CSQ Siew, MS Vitevitch
Psychological Medicine 46 (12), 2667-2677, 2016
Community structure in the phonological network
CSQ Siew
Frontiers in psychology 4, 553, 2013
Contributions of modern network science to the cognitive sciences: Revisiting research spirals of representation and process
N Castro, CSQ Siew
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 476 (2238), 20190825, 2020
Spoken word recognition and serial recall of words from components in the phonological network.
CSQ Siew, MS Vitevitch
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 42 (3), 394, 2016
Forma mentis networks quantify crucial differences in STEM perception between students and experts
M Stella, S De Nigris, A Aloric, CSQ Siew
PloS one 14 (10), e0222870, 2019
spreadr: An R package to simulate spreading activation in a network
CSQ Siew
Behavior Research Methods 51 (2), 910-929, 2019
Using network science to understand statistics anxiety among college students.
CSQ Siew, MJ McCartney, MS Vitevitch
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology 5 (1), 75, 2019
Applications of network science to education research: Quantifying knowledge and the development of expertise through network analysis
CSQ Siew
Education Sciences 10 (4), 101, 2020
The phonographic language network: Using network science to investigate the phonological and orthographic similarity structure of language.
CSQ Siew, MS Vitevitch
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 148 (3), 475, 2019
Using complex networks to understand the mental lexicon
MS Vitevitch, R Goldstein, CSQ Siew, N Castro
Yearbook of the Poznań Linguistic Meeting 1 (1), 2014
Using network science to analyze concept maps of psychology undergraduates
CSQ Siew
Applied Cognitive Psychology 33 (4), 662-668, 2019
Quantifying the interplay of semantics and phonology during failures of word retrieval by people with aphasia using a multiplex lexical network
N Castro, M Stella, CSQ Siew
Cognitive science 44 (9), e12881, 2020
An investigation of network growth principles in the phonological language network.
CSQ Siew, MS Vitevitch
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 149 (12), 2376, 2020
Interpersonal functioning in borderline personality disorder traits: a social media perspective
J Ooi, J Michael, S Lemola, S Butterfill, CSQ Siew, L Walasek
Scientific reports 10 (1), 1068, 2020
Application of network analysis to investigate sex differences in interactive systems of eating‐disorder psychopathology
VL Perko, KT Forbush, CSQ Siew, JP Tregarthen
International Journal of Eating Disorders 52 (12), 1343-1352, 2019
The orthographic similarity structure of English words: Insights from network science
CSQ Siew
Applied Network Science 3 (1), 13, 2018
Gender stereotypes in Hollywood movies and their evolution over time: Insights from network analysis
AM Kumar, JYQ Goh, THH Tan, CSQ Siew
Big Data and Cognitive Computing 6 (2), 50, 2022
The Macroscope: A tool for examining the historical structure of language
Y Li, T Engelthaler, CSQ Siew, TT Hills
Behavior Research Methods 51, 1864-1877, 2019
Using the OASES-A to illustrate how network analysis can be applied to understand the experience of stuttering
CSQ Siew, KM Pelczarski, JS Yaruss, MS Vitevitch
Journal of Communication Disorders 65, 1-9, 2017
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