Júlia Garraio
Júlia Garraio
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Online social media and the construction of sexual moral panic around migrants in Europe
SJ Santos, J Garraio, G Giuliani
Socioscapes: international journal of societies, politics and cultures: 1, 1 …, 2019
A space to resist rape myths? Journalism, patriarchy and sexual violence
SJ Santos, J Garraio, A de Sousa Carvalho, I Amaral
European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (2), 298-315, 2022
“Ideologia de gênero”: origem e disseminação de um discurso antifeminista
J Garraio, T Toldy
Mandrágora 26 (1), 129-155, 2020
Gender ideology: a discourse that threatens gender equality
T Toldy, J Garraio
Gender equality, 543-554, 2021
The unimaginable rapist and the backlash against# MeToo in Portugal
J Garraio, SJ Santos, I Amaral, AS Carvalho
Europe Now: a journal of research & art, 1-13, 2020
Framing Sexual Violence in Portuguese Colonialism: on some practices of contemporary cultural representation and remembrance
J Garraio
Violence against women 25 (13), 1558-1577, 2019
Cologne and the (un) making of transnational approaches to sexual violence
J Garraio
European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (2), 129-144, 2021
Verschweigen, feministische Begeisterung, deutscher Opferdiskurs und romantische Trivialisierung. Die vielen Leben des Tagebuchs Eine Frau in Berlin
J Garraio
REAL: Revista de Estudos Alemães, 39-55, 2012
The# MeToo social media effect and its potentials for social change in Europe
M Corsi, T Laeticia, G Zacchia
Foundation for European Progressive Studies, 2019
Perdidas na exposição? Desafiar o imaginário colonial português através de fotografias de mulheres negras
J Garraio
Geometrias da memória: configurações pós-coloniais, 279-303, 2016
Hordes of rapists: the instrumentalization of sexual Violence in German Cold War anti-Communist Discourses
J Garraio
RCCS Annual Review. A selection from the Portuguese journal Revista Crítica …, 2013
Challenges and Backlashes of# MeToo: the case of Germany
The# MeToo Social Media Effect and its Potentials for Social Change Europe …, 2019
Prostituição forçada de migrantes de Leste no cinema europeu contemporâneo
J Garraio
e-cadernos CES, 2011
Vergewaltigung als Schlüsselbegriff einer misslungenen Vergangenheitsbewältigung: Hans Ulrich Treichels Der Verlorene und Reinhard Jirgls Die Unvollendeten
J Garraio
REAL: Revista de Estudos Alemães, 1-19, 2010
Forward and backwards: Sexual violence in Portuguese news media
J Garraio, I Amaral, RB Simões, SJ Santos
The Routledge Companion to Gender, Media and Violence, 145-154, 2023
The (in) visibility of racialized border violence? A Ukrainian killed in Lisbon airport
J Garraio, O Solovova, SJ Santos
State Crime Journal 11 (1), 90-109, 2022
“Arresting Gaddafi Will Be the Most Effective Way to Stop these Rapes”. Sexual Violence in the Western Media’s Coverage of the War in Libya
J Garraio
e-cadernos CES, 2012
Hordas de violadores. A instrumentalização da violência sexual em discursos anticomunistas alemães da Guerra Fria
J Garraio
Revista crítica de ciências sociais, 47-66, 2012
“O melhor é mesmo não falar sobre isso, pois não iremos recuperar a pureza”: instrumentalização política, controlo da sexualidade feminina e estigmatização das vítimas de …
J Garraio
Quem me tocou?: o corpo na simbólica religiosa: contributos das teologias …, 2013
Our Hero and That Kind of Woman: Imaginaries of Sexuality, Masculinity and Femininity in the Discussion of the Rape Allegation against Cristiano Ronaldo in Portugal
J Garraio
Social Sciences 12 (8), 461, 2023
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Artículos 1–20