Serving followers and family? A trickle-down model of how servant leadership shapes employee work performance J Stollberger, M Las Heras, Y Rofcanin, MJ Bosch Journal of Vocational Behavior 112, 158-171, 2019 | 138 | 2019 |
How do flexibility i‐deals relate to work performance? Exploring the roles of family performance and organizational context M Las Heras, Y Rofcanin, P Matthijs Bal, J Stollberger Journal of organizational behavior 38 (8), 1280-1294, 2017 | 99 | 2017 |
How do weekly obtained task i-deals improve work performance? The role of relational context and structural job resources Y Rofcanin, M Las Heras, M Jose Bosch, J Stollberger, M Mayer European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 30 (4), 555-565, 2021 | 34 | 2021 |
14 Innovation in Work Teams J Stollberger, MA West, CA Sacramento The Oxford handbook of group creativity and innovation, 231, 2019 | 33* | 2019 |
Family motivation of supervisors: Exploring the impact on subordinates’ work performance via family supportive supervisor behaviors and work–family balance satisfaction DT Erdogan, ML Heras, Y Rofcanin, MJ Bosch, J Stollberger Journal of Applied Social Psychology 52 (12), 1179-1195, 2022 | 24 | 2022 |
Go with the flow, but keep it stable? The role of flow variability in the context of daily flow experiences and daily creative performance J Stollberger, ME Debus Work & Stress 34 (4), 342-358, 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
Sharing is caring: The role of compassionate love for sharing coworker work–family support at home to promote partners’ creativity at work. J Stollberger, M Las Heras, Y Rofcanin Journal of Applied Psychology 107 (10), 1824, 2022 | 20 | 2022 |
The tone at the top: A trickle-down model of how manager anger relates to employee moral behaviour J Stollberger, M Jose Bosch, M Las Heras, Y Rofcanin, P Daher European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 29 (6), 907-921, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
The role of regulatory, affective, and motivational resources in the adverse spillover of sleep in the home domain to employee effectiveness in the work domain W Rivkin, S Diestel, J Stollberger, C Sacramento human relations 76 (2), 199-232, 2023 | 16 | 2023 |
Inspiring, Yet Tiring: How Leader Emotional Complexity Shapes Follower Creativity J Stollberger, Y Guillaume, D Van Knippenberg Organization Science, 2023 | 12* | 2023 |
Are people analytics dehumanizing your employees D De Cremer, J Stollberger Harvard Business Review 2022 (June 07), 2022 | 11 | 2022 |
(Don’t) mind the gap? Information gaps compound curiosity yet also feed frustration at work VM Schweitzer, FH Gerpott, W Rivkin, J Stollberger Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 178, 104276, 2023 | 9 | 2023 |
Untangling the team social capital–team innovation link: The role of proportional task conflict as well as group-and differentiated individual-focused transformational leadership J Stollberger, A Ali Al-Atwi, D De Cremer human relations 76 (6), 871-900, 2023 | 9 | 2023 |
Does emotional restraint or exuberance get you the job? How and when enthusiasm intensity is related to perceived job suitability J Stollberger, M Shemla, D de Cremer, Y Yang, K Sanders Human Resource Management 62 (2), 141-158, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
The mechanisms and boundary conditions linking sleep duration to work-related functioning W Rivkin, S Diestel, J Stollberger, CA Sacramento Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 12177, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
Family motivation of supervisors: Exploring the impact on subordinate work performance D Taser Erdogan, MJ Bosch, J Stollberger, Y Rofcanin, M Las Heras Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 10750, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |
Micro I-Deals: A Weekly Diary Study Y Rofcanin, J Stollberger Academy of Management Proceedings 2016, AMBPP. 2016.15584, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
How we get along depends on how you make me feel: An episodic perspective on leader–follower emotional entrainment and daily interaction quality J Stollberger, FH Gerpott, W Rivkin Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 97 (4), 1403-1426, 2024 | | 2024 |
The complex interplay of leader's facial expression of joy for follower's perceived relationship quality: A study of workplace meetings L Rofall, L Gierke, FH Gerpott, J Stollberger | | 2022 |
Family motivation of supervisors: Exploring the impact on subordinates’ work performance via family supportive supervisor behaviors and work–family balance satisfaction J Stollberger, M Las-Heras-Maestro, Y Rofcanin, MJ Bosch, DT Erdogan Wiley, 2022 | | 2022 |