Quantum optics: including noise reduction, trapped ions, quantum trajectories, and decoherence M Orszag Springer Nature, 2024 | 475 | 2024 |
Geometric quantum discord with Bures distance D Spehner, M Orszag New Journal of Physics 15 (10), 103001, 2013 | 145 | 2013 |
Role of pumping statistics in maser and laser dynamics: Density-matrix approach J Bergou, L Davidovich, M Orszag, C Benkert, M Hillery, MO Scully Physical Review A 40 (9), 5073, 1989 | 114 | 1989 |
Lectures on general quantum correlations and their applications FF Fanchini, DOS Pinto, G Adesso Springer International Publishing, 2017 | 112 | 2017 |
Role of pumping statistics in laser dynamics: Quantum Langevin approach C Benkert, MO Scully, J Bergou, L Davidovich, M Hillery, M Orszag Physical Review A 41 (5), 2756, 1990 | 111 | 1990 |
Instability and entanglement of the ground state of the Dicke model V Bužek, M Orszag, M Roško Physical review letters 94 (16), 163601, 2005 | 106 | 2005 |
Correlated emission laser. Nonlinear theory of the quantum beat laser J Bergou, M Orszag, Scully, M O Physical Review A 38, 754, 1988 | 85 | 1988 |
Quantum nondemolition measurements of vibrational populations in ionic traps L Davidovich, M Orszag, N Zagury Physical Review A 54 (6), 5118, 1996 | 71 | 1996 |
Quantum cooperative effects in a micromaser M Orszag, R Ramírez, JC Retamal, C Saavedra Physical Review A 49 (4), 2933, 1994 | 70 | 1994 |
Geometric quantum discord with Bures distance: the qubit case D Spehner, M Orszag Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47 (3), 035302, 2013 | 69 | 2013 |
Influence of the pumping statistics in lasers and masers J Bergou, L Davidovich, M Orszag, C Benkert, M Hillery, MO Scully Optics Communications 72 (1-2), 82-86, 1989 | 69 | 1989 |
Cancer bioinformatics Y Xu, J Cui, D Puett Springer, 2014 | 61* | 2014 |
Nonclassical effects in quantum optics P Meystre, DF Walls (No Title), 1991 | 61 | 1991 |
New frontiers in quantum electrodynamics and quantum optics AO Barut Springer, 1990 | 54 | 1990 |
Decoherence and disentanglement for two qubits in a common squeezed reservoir M Hernandez, M Orszag Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (4), 042114, 2008 | 52 | 2008 |
Coherence and entanglement in a two-qubit system M Orszag, M Hernandez Advances in Optics and Photonics 2 (2), 229-286, 2010 | 50 | 2010 |
Preparation of a pure atomic state M Orszag, JC Retamal, C Saavedra Physical Review A 45 (3), 2118, 1992 | 49 | 1992 |
Decoherence-free subspace and entanglement by interaction with a common squeezed bath D Mundarain, M Orszag Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (4), 040303, 2007 | 45 | 2007 |
Correlated-emission laser: phase noise quenching via coherent pumping and the effect of atomic motion J Bergou, M Orszag, MO Scully Physical Review A 38 (2), 768, 1988 | 45 | 1988 |
Generation of highly squeezed states in a two-photon micromaser M Orszag, R Ramirez, JC Retamal, L Roa Physical Review A 45 (9), 6717, 1992 | 43 | 1992 |