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Resumos, 2022
2022 Ray-tracing simulations of the poloidal optical coupler for plasma rotation diagnostic update in the TCABR Tokamak FAF Albuquerque, CS Martins, V Bellintani Junior, JHF Severo
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2022 Update of plasma rotation diagnostic for momentum and impurities transport measurements in the TCABR tokamak JHF Severo, T Fernandes, MY Ikeda, GP Canal, RMO Galvao, ...
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2022 Kerr Effect Magnetometer Optimization Using Ray Tracing Simulation FAF Albuquerque, GH Pereira, IS Kiel, GHB Silva, CS Martins, ...
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2022 Wide field lens for fusion plasma radiation measurement V Bellintani Junior, CS Martins, AS Bouzan, IS Kiel, FAF Albuquerque, ...
2020 A susceptibilidade magneto-óptica de ligas de CoFeSiB GHB da SILVA, IG ARAUJO, CS MARTINS
Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Paulo, 2019
2019 Arduino 101 em movimento acelerado GHB SILVA, CS Martins, MS ROCHA
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2019 Magnetoimpedância gigante e susceptibilidade por efeito Kerr magneto-óptico em fitas amorfas de CoFeSiB IG de Araújo, RL Denaldi, GP de Carvalho, CS Martins
Boletim Técnico da FATEC-SP—BT 45, 39, 2018
2018 High resolution objectives optical design for spectroscopy measurements in the TCABR tokamak V Bellintani Júnior, CS Martins, JHF Severo
Resumos, 2018
2018 Aneurisma gigante na artéria coronariana direita apresentando-se como uma massa paracardíaca: relato de caso e revisão da literatura KM Mata, SG Ramos, CS Martins, AP Martins, MA Rossi
Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial 43 (5), 60, 2007