Francisco Javier Ornelas Zapata
Francisco Javier Ornelas Zapata
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Inteligencia artificial
JC Ponce Gallegos, A Torres Soto, FS Quezada Aguilera, A Silva Sprock, ...
Iniciativa Latinoamericana de Libros de Texto Abiertos (LATIn), 2014
Incremento del interes de alumnos en educación básica en los objetos de aprendizaje usando realidad aumentada en las matemáticas
J Ponce, Z Oronia, A Silva, J Muñoz, F Ornelas, F Alvarez
Latin American Conference on Learning Objects and Technology (LACLO), 2014
Analysis of Cyber-bullying in a virtual social networking
A Ochoa, J Ponce, R Jaramillo, F Ornelas, A Hernández, D Azpeitia, ...
2011 11th international conference on hybrid intelligent systems (his), 229-234, 2011
N., & Pedreño, O.(2014)
J Ponce, A Torres, F Aguilera, A Silva Sprock, E Flor, A Casali, ...
Inteligencia artificial, 0
Realidad Aumentada para la Ayuda del Aprendizaje de la Geometría en Niños con Síndrome de Down
J Ponce, F Ornelas, M Lucio, A Padilla, B Toscano
Revista Sociología Contemporánea 2 (4), 166-176, 2015
Augmented reality as a tool to support the inclusion of colorblind people
JC Ponce Gallegos, M Montes Rivera, FJ Ornelas Zapata, A Padilla Díaz
HCI International 2020–Late Breaking Papers: Universal Access and Inclusive …, 2020
Genetic algorithm with immigration like strategies of diversification
F Ornelas, M Meza, A Padilla, F Padilla, J Ponce, A Ochoa
2010 Ninth Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 11-15, 2010
Genetic algorithm using migration and modified gsx as support in the diversification of populations
F Ornelas, A Padilla, A Ochoa, EP de León, F Padilla
Artificial Intelligence & Applications, Ed. A. Gelbukh, SMIA, 21-28, 2009
From Russia with disdain: Simulating a civil War by means of Predator/Prey Game & Cultural Algorithms
A Ochoa, S Quezada, J Ponce, F Ornelas, D Torres, C Correa, ...
Accepted paper) MICAI, 2008
Use of Augmented Reality a New Vision on the Massive Open Online Courses
J Ponce, F Ornelas, F Álvarez, B Toscano
Virtual and Augmented Reality: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and …, 2018
Augmented reality in the development of a virtual chemistry laboratory
JCP Gallegos, FJO Zapata, JM Arteaga, AE Arellano
2019 XIV Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (LACLO), 393-396, 2019
Explaining Diverse Application Domains Analyzed from Data Mining Perspective
A Ochoa, L Margain, R Jaramillo, J González, D Azpeitia, C Gómez, ...
Data Mining Applications in Engineering and Medicine, 2012
New Implementations of Data Mining in a Plethora of Human Activities
A Ochoa, J Ponce, F Ornelas, R Jaramillo, R Zataraín, M Barrón, C Gómez, ...
Knowledge-Oriented Applications in Data Mining, 978-9, 2011
Face recognition in office environments with Google AIY Vision Kit
A Hernández, F Ornelas, J Hurtado, J González
2019 IEEE International Conference on Applied Science and Advanced …, 2019
Traditional Rarámuri Songs used by a Recommender System to a Web Radio
A Ochoa-Zezzatti, J Ponce, A Hernández, S Bustillos, F Ornelas, ...
Natural Language Processing and its Applications, 243, 0
Big Data en el análisis del rendimiento académico a nivel licenciatura
JC Ponce Gallegos, BA Toscano de la Torre, A Torres Soto, ...
Big Data Analytics: una perspectiva multidisciplinaria para la mejora del …, 2018
Peak Plantar Pressure In Mexican Women Aged 50+: 1640: Board# 130: May 30 2: 00 PM-3: 30 PM
F Sotelo, JN Serratos-Pérez, FJ Ornelas, J Nicasio, M Hernández, C Vidal, ...
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 39 (5), S261, 2007
La Educación Inclusiva en Latinoamérica. En Jaime Muñoz Arteaga, José Rojano Cáceres y Etelvina Archundia Sierra (editores)(2016). Avances en Tecnologías Interactivas Aplicadas …
J Ponce Gallegos, J Muñoz Arteaga, A Silva Sprock, F Ornelas, ...
https://www. researchgate. net/profile/Antonio_Silva_Sprock/publication …, 0
Implementing vehicle routing with capacity constraints by using an improved Djikstra algorithm
A Ochoai, I Gonzáles, F Ornelas
Index and Scope
A Ochoa, L Margain, F Ornelas, S Jiménez, T Padilla
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Artículos 1–20