The statistical analysis of crash-frequency data: A review and assessment of methodological alternatives D Lord, F Mannering Transportation research part A: policy and practice 44 (5), 291-305, 2010 | 2238 | 2010 |
The statistical analysis of highway crash-injury severities: A review and assessment of methodological alternatives PT Savolainen, FL Mannering, D Lord, MA Quddus Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (5), 1666-1676, 2011 | 1210 | 2011 |
Poisson, Poisson-gamma and zero-inflated regression models of motor vehicle crashes: balancing statistical fit and theory D Lord, SP Washington, JN Ivan Accident Analysis & Prevention 37 (1), 35-46, 2005 | 1134 | 2005 |
Modeling traffic crash-flow relationships for intersections: dispersion parameter, functional form, and Bayes versus empirical Bayes methods SP Miaou, D Lord Transportation Research Record 1840 (1), 31-40, 2003 | 520 | 2003 |
Modeling motor vehicle crashes using Poisson-gamma models: Examining the effects of low sample mean values and small sample size on the estimation of the fixed dispersion parameter D Lord Accident Analysis & Prevention 38 (4), 751-766, 2006 | 507 | 2006 |
Comparing three commonly used crash severity models on sample size requirements: Multinomial logit, ordered probit and mixed logit models F Ye, D Lord Analytic methods in accident research 1, 72-85, 2014 | 445 | 2014 |
Predicting motor vehicle crashes using support vector machine models X Li, D Lord, Y Zhang, Y Xie Accident Analysis & Prevention 40 (4), 1611-1618, 2008 | 411 | 2008 |
Safety effect of roundabout conversions in the united states: Empirical bayes observational before-after study BN Persaud, RA Retting, PE Garder, D Lord Transportation Research Record 1751 (1), 1-8, 2001 | 403 | 2001 |
Multivariate Poisson-lognormal models for jointly modeling crash frequency by severity ES Park, D Lord Transportation Research Record 2019 (1), 1-6, 2007 | 387 | 2007 |
Accident prediction models with and without trend: application of the generalized estimating equations procedure D Lord, BN Persaud Transportation Research Record 1717 (1), 102-108, 2000 | 365 | 2000 |
Further notes on the application of zero-inflated models in highway safety D Lord, S Washington, JN Ivan Accident Analysis & Prevention 39 (1), 53-57, 2007 | 340 | 2007 |
Modeling crash-flow-density and crash-flow-V/C ratio relationships for rural and urban freeway segments D Lord, A Manar, A Vizioli Accident Analysis & Prevention 37 (1), 185-199, 2005 | 339 | 2005 |
Predicting motor vehicle collisions using Bayesian neural network models: An empirical analysis Y Xie, D Lord, Y Zhang Accident Analysis & Prevention 39 (5), 922-933, 2007 | 328 | 2007 |
Effects of low sample mean values and small sample size on the estimation of the fixed dispersion parameter of Poisson-gamma models for modeling motor vehicle crashes: A … D Lord, LF Miranda-Moreno Safety Science 46 (5), 751-770, 2008 | 310 | 2008 |
Application of the Conway–Maxwell–Poisson generalized linear model for analyzing motor vehicle crashes D Lord, SD Guikema, SR Geedipally Accident Analysis & Prevention 40 (3), 1123-1134, 2008 | 300 | 2008 |
Application of finite mixture models for vehicle crash data analysis BJ Park, D Lord Accident Analysis & Prevention 41 (4), 683-691, 2009 | 226 | 2009 |
The negative binomial-Lindley generalized linear model: Characteristics and application using crash data SR Geedipally, D Lord, SS Dhavala Accident Analysis & Prevention 45, 258-265, 2012 | 203 | 2012 |
Crash and injury reduction following installation of roundabouts in the United States RA Retting, BN Persaud, PE Garder, D Lord American journal of public health 91 (4), 628, 2001 | 188 | 2001 |
Investigation of effects of underreporting crash data on three commonly used traffic crash severity models: multinomial logit, ordered probit, and mixed logit F Ye, D Lord Transportation Research Record 2241 (1), 51-58, 2011 | 185 | 2011 |
Extension of the application of Conway‐Maxwell‐Poisson models: Analyzing traffic crash data exhibiting underdispersion D Lord, SR Geedipally, SD Guikema Risk Analysis: An International Journal 30 (8), 1268-1276, 2010 | 181 | 2010 |