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Nonlinear Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete
K Maekawa, A Pimanmas, H Okamura
Spon pres, 2003
Compressive behavior of PET FRP–confined circular, square, and rectangular concrete columns
S Saleem, Q Hussain, A Pimanmas
Journal of composites for construction 21 (3), 04016097, 2017
Strengthening R/C beams with opening by externally installed FRP rods: Behavior and analysis
A Pimanmas
Composite Structures 92 (8), 1957-1976, 2010
Shear strength of beam–column joint with enlarged joint area
A Pimanmas, P Chaimahawan
Engineering structures 32 (9), 2529-2545, 2010
Experimental and numerical study of strengthening non-ductile RC columns with and without lap splice by Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) jacketing
P Juntanalikit, T Jirawattanasomkul, A Pimanmas
Engineering Structures 125, 400-418, 2016
Axial strength and deformability of concrete confined with natural fibre-reinforced polymers
A Pimanmas, Q Hussain, A Panyasirikhunawut, W Rattanapitikon
Magazine of Concrete Research 71 (2), 55-70, 2019
Lateral response of PET FRP-confined concrete
S Saleem, A Pimanmas, W Rattanapitikon
Construction and Building Materials 159, 390-407, 2018
Shear strengthening of RC deep beams with openings using sprayed glass fiber reinforced polymer composites (SGFRP): Part 1. Experimental study
Q Hussain, A Pimanmas
KSCE journal of civil engineering 19 (7), 2121-2133, 2015
Finite element analysis of FRP-strengthened RC beams
T Supaviriyakit, P Pornpongsaroj, A Pimanmas
Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol 26 (4), 497-507, 2004
Evaluation of existing stress–strain models and modeling of PET FRP–confined concrete
A Pimanmas, S Saleem
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 31 (12), 04019303, 2019
Compressive behavior of basalt FRP-confined circular and non-circular concrete specimens
S Suon, S Saleem, A Pimanmas
Construction and Building Materials 195, 85-103, 2019
Dilation characteristics of PET FRP–confined concrete
A Pimanmas, S Saleem
Journal of Composites for Construction 22 (3), 04018006, 2018
Peeling behaviour of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with CFRP plates under various end restraint conditions
A Pimanmas, P Pornpongsaroj
Magazine of Concrete Research 56 (2), 73-81, 2004
Strengthening effect of natural fiber reinforced polymer composites (NFRP) on concrete
S Yinh, Q Hussain, P Joyklad, P Chaimahawan, W Rattanapitikon, ...
Case Studies in Construction Materials 15, e00653, 2021
Comparative performance of sub-standard interior reinforced concrete beam–column connection with various joint reinforcing details
T Supaviriyakit, A Pimanmas
Materials and Structures 41, 543-557, 2008
Seismic retrofit of substandard beam-column joint by planar joint expansion
P Chaimahawan, A Pimanmas
Materials and structures 42, 443-459, 2009
Shear strengthening of RC deep beams with sprayed fibre-reinforced polymer composites (SFRP) and anchoring systems: part 1. Experimental study
Q Hussain, A Pimanmas
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 20 (1), 79-107, 2016
A use of natural sisal and jute fiber composites for seismic retrofitting of nonductile rectangular reinforced concrete columns
E Yooprasertchai, P Wiwatrojanagul, A Pimanmas
Journal of Building Engineering 52, 104521, 2022
Axial load behavior of circular and square concrete columns confined with sprayed fiber‐reinforced polymer composites
Q Hussain, W Rattanapitikon, A Pimanmas
Polymer Composites 37 (8), 2557-2567, 2016
Effect of end wrapping on peeling behavior of FRP-strengthened beams
P Pornpongsaroj, A Pimanmas
Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures: (In 2 …, 2003
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