Imanol Basterretxea (ORCID: 0000-0003-2946-010X)
Imanol Basterretxea (ORCID: 0000-0003-2946-010X)
Profesor Titular. Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU
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Managing and resisting ‘degeneration’in employee-owned businesses: A comparative study of two large retailers in Spain and the United Kingdom
J Storey, I Basterretxea, G Salaman
Organization 21 (5), 626-644, 2014
Management training as a source of perceived competitive advantage: The Mondragon Cooperative Group case
I Basterretxea, E Albizu
Economic and Industrial Democracy 32 (2), 199-222, 2011
Impact of management and innovation capabilities on performance: Are cooperatives different?
I Basterretxea, R Martínez
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 83 (3), 357-381, 2012
Corporate governance as a key aspect in the failure of worker cooperatives
I Basterretxea, C Cornforth, I Heras-Saizarbitoria
Economic and industrial democracy 43 (1), 362-387, 2022
Can employee ownership and human resource management policies clash in worker cooperatives? Lessons from a defunct cooperative
I Basterretxea, I Heras‐Saizarbitoria, A Lertxundi
Human Resource Management 58 (6), 585-601, 2019
Do employee‐owned firms produce more positive employee behavioural outcomes? If not why not? A British‐Spanish comparative analysis
I Basterretxea, J Storey
British Journal of Industrial Relations 56 (2), 292-319, 2018
Mediation effects of trust and contracts on knowledge-sharing and product innovation: Evidence from the European machine tool industry
J Charterina, J Landeta, I Basterretxea
European Journal of Innovation Management 21 (2), 274-293, 2018
Types of embedded ties in buyer-supplier relationships and their combined effects on innovation performance
J Charterina, I Basterretxea, J Landeta
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 31 (2), 152-163, 2016
Coopetition and innovation. Lessons from worker cooperatives in the Spanish machine tool industry
I Basterretxea, J Charterina, J Landeta
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 34 (6), 1223-1235, 2019
¿ Es posible resistir a la crisis?: Un análisis desde la gestión de las políticas de formación y empleo en Mondragón
IB Markaida, EA Gallastegi
CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 75-96, 2010
Do co-ops speak the managerial lingua franca? An analysis of the managerial discourse of Mondragon cooperatives
I Heras-Saizarbitoria, I Basterretxea
Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management 4 (1), 13-21, 2016
Collaborative relationships with customers: generation and protection of innovations
J Charterina, I Basterretxea, J Landeta
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 32 (5), 733-741, 2017
Does training policy help to attract, retain, and develop valuable human resources? Analysis from the Mondragon case
I Basterretxea, E Albizu
Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms …, 2011
Flexibilidad laboral y generación de empleo en tiempos de crisis: El caso de Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa
I Basterretxea, E Albizu
Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa 7 (3), 83-98, 1998
Intercooperation, flexicurity and their impact on workers: The case of Fagor Electrodomésticos
J Santos‐Larrazabal, I Basterretxea
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 93 (3), 607-635, 2022
Sources of Competitive Advantage in the Mondragon Cooperative Group
I Basterretxea
Basque Cooperativism 131, 2011
Colaboración entre centros de Formación Profesional y empresas en la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca
I Basterretxea, A González, M Saiz, L Simón, A OLASOLO
Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco. Bilbao, 2002
La política de formación como fuente de ventaja competitiva en la experiencia Mondragón. Un análisis desde la visión basada en los recursos
IB Markaida
Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 2008
Do co-ops speak the managerial lingua franca? An analysis of the managerial discourse of Mondragon cooperatives
I Heras, I Basterretxea
Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management 4 (1), 13-21, 2016
Resilience of cooperatives in times of crisis: Are Mondragons strategies in coping with crisis still a competitive advantage
J Landeta, I Basterretxea, E Albizu
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