Is there still any T c mystery in lattice QCD? Results with physical masses in the continuum limit III S Borsanyi, Z Fodor, C Hoelbling, SD Katz, S Krieg, C Ratti, KK Szabo
Journal of High Energy Physics 2010 (9), 1-26, 2010
1367 2010 The QCD equation of state with dynamical quarks S Borsanyi, G Endrődi, Z Fodor, A Jakovac, SD Katz, S Krieg, C Ratti, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2010 (11), 1-33, 2010
1366 2010 Phases of QCD: Lattice thermodynamics and a field theoretical model C Ratti, MA Thaler, W Weise
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 73 (1), 014019, 2006
1153 2006 Polyakov loop, diquarks, and the two-flavor phase diagram S Roessner, C Ratti, W Weise
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 75 (3), 034007, 2007
688 2007 Fluctuations of conserved charges at finite temperature from lattice QCD S Borsanyi, Z Fodor, SD Katz, S Krieg, C Ratti, K Szabo
Journal of High Energy Physics 2012 (1), 1-15, 2012
476 2012 QCD crossover at finite chemical potential from lattice simulations S Borsanyi, Z Fodor, JN Guenther, R Kara, SD Katz, P Parotto, A Pasztor, ...
Physical review letters 125 (5), 052001, 2020
392 2020 QCD equation of state at nonzero chemical potential: continuum results with physical quark masses at order μ 2 S Borsanyi, G Endrődi, Z Fodor, SD Katz, S Krieg, C Ratti, KK Szabo
Journal of High Energy Physics 2012 (8), 1-16, 2012
354 2012 Real and imaginary-time QQ correlators in a thermal medium A Beraudo, JP Blaizot, C Ratti
Nuclear Physics A 806 (1-4), 312-338, 2008
323 2008 Long-range and short-range dihadron angular correlations in central PbPb collisions at = 2.76 TeV S Chatrchyan, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2011 (7), 1-32, 2011
321 2011 Mesonic correlation functions at finite temperature and density in the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model with a Polyakov loop H Hansen, WM Alberico, A Beraudo, A Molinari, M Nardi, C Ratti
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 75 (6), 065004, 2007
294 2007 The QCD phase diagram from analytic continuation R Bellwied, S Borsányi, Z Fodor, J Günther, SD Katz, C Ratti, KK Szabo
Physics Letters B 751, 559-564, 2015
290 2015 Freeze-out parameters: lattice meets experiment S Borsányi, Z Fodor, SD Katz, S Krieg, C Ratti, KK Szabo
Physical review letters 111 (6), 062005, 2013
283 2013 Fluctuations and correlations in high temperature QCD R Bellwied, S Borsányi, Z Fodor, SD Katz, A Pásztor, C Ratti, KK Szabo
Physical Review D 92 (11), 114505, 2015
272 2015 Freeze-out conditions from net-proton and net-charge fluctuations at RHIC P Alba, W Alberico, R Bellwied, M Bluhm, VM Sarti, M Nahrgang, C Ratti
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252 2014 Lattice QCD and heavy ion collisions: a review of recent progress C Ratti
Reports on Progress in Physics 81 (8), 084301, 2018
247 2018 Higher order fluctuations and correlations of conserved charges from lattice QCD S Borsanyi, Z Fodor, JN Guenther, SK Katz, A Pasztor, I Portillo, C Ratti, ...
Journal of high energy physics 2018 (10), 2018
237 2018 Is there a flavor hierarchy in the deconfinement transition of QCD? R Bellwied, S Borsanyi, Z Fodor, SD Katz, C Ratti
Physical review letters 111 (20), 202302, 2013
237 2013 Freeze-out parameters from electric charge and baryon number fluctuations: is there consistency? S Borsányi, Z Fodor, SD Katz, S Krieg, C Ratti, KK Szabo
Physical review letters 113 (5), 052301, 2014
207 2014 The chiral and deconfinement crossover transitions: PNJL model beyond mean field S Roessner, T Hell, C Ratti, W Weise
Nuclear Physics A 814 (1-4), 118-143, 2008
195 2008 Thermodynamics of the PNJL model C Ratti, S Roessner, MA Thaler, W Weise
The European Physical Journal C 49, 213-217, 2007
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