Epp Lauk
Epp Lauk
Vytautas Magnus University Kaunas
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Mapping media accountability-in Europe and beyond
T Eberwein, S Fengler, E Lauk, T Leppik-Bork
Herbert von Halem Verlag, 2011
How effective is media self-regulation? Results from a comparative survey of European journalists
S Fengler, T Eberwein, S Alsius, O Baisnée, K Bichler, ...
European journal of communication 30 (3), 249-266, 2015
Towards a civic society: the Baltic media's long road to freedom: perspectives on history, ethnicity and journalism
S Høyer, E Lauk, P Vihalemm
(No Title), 1993
How will it all unfold? Media systems and journalism cultures in post-communist countries
E Lauk
Finding the right place on the map: Central and Eastern European media …, 2008
Facebook’s emotional contagion experiment as a challenge to research ethics
J Jouhki, E Lauk, M Penttinen, N Sormanen, T Uskali
Media and Communication 4 (4), 75-85, 2016
Reflections on changing patterns of journalism in the new EU countries
E Lauk
Journalism Studies 10 (1), 69-84, 2009
Mediadem| Journalistic autonomy as a professional value and element of journalism culture: The European perspective
E Lauk, H Harro-Loi
International Journal of Communication 11, 19, 2017
The paradoxes of the journalistic profession
S Høyer, E Lauk
Nordicom Review 24 (2), 3-18, 2003
Practice of Soviet censorship in the press: The case of Estonia
E Lauk
Nordicom Review 20 (2), 19-31, 1999
Estonian journalists in search of new professional identity
E Lauk
Javnost-The Public 3 (4), 93-106, 1996
Media Transformations: the Post-transition Lessons in lithuania and estonia
A Balčytienė, E Lauk
Informacijos mokslai 33, 96-109, 2005
Freedom for the media? Issues of journalism ethics in Estonia
E Lauk
Informacijos mokslai, 59-65, 2008
A history of the international movement of journalists: Professionalism versus politics
K Nordenstreng, UJ Björk, F Beyersdorf, S Høyer, E Lauk
Springer, 2016
Best practice guidebook: Media accountability and transparency across Europe
K Bichler, H Harro-Loit, M Karmasin, D Kraus, E Lauk, U Loit, S Fengler, ...
MediaAct. European Commission. http://www. mediaact. eu/fileadmin …, 2012
Drone journalism: The newest global test of press freedom
E Lauk, T Uskali, H Kuutti, H Hirvinen
Freedom of expression and media in transition: studies and reflections in …, 2016
Chances and challenges of computational data gathering and analysis: The case of issue-attention cycles on Facebook
N Sormanen, J Rohila, E Lauk, T Uskali, J Jouhki, M Penttinen
Rethinking Research Methods in an Age of Digital Journalism, 55-74, 2018
Eesti ajakirjanduse teed ja ristteed
J Peegel, K Aru, S Issakov, E Jansen, E Lauk
Eesti ajakirjanduse arengust (XVIII sajandist XX sajandini). Tallinn: Olion, 1994
Ethical considerations: Journalists’ perceptions of professional practice
J Ramaprasad, T Hanitzsch, E Lauk, H Harro-Loit, JF Hovden, ...
Worlds of journalism: Journalistic cultures around the globe, 199-232, 2019
Issues of ethics and methods in studying social media
N Sormanen, E Lauk
Media and Communication 4 (4), 63-65, 2016
The burden of remembering: recollections & representations of the 20th century
E Kõresaar, E Lauk, K Kuutma
(No Title), 2009
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20