Generation of a class of SU (1, 1) coherent states of the Gilmore–Perelomov type and a class of SU (2) coherent states and their superposition SR Miry, MK Tavassoly Physica Scripta 85 (3), 035404, 2012 | 39 | 2012 |
Generation of nonlinear motional trio coherent states and their nonclassical properties SR Miry, MK Tavassoly Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 45 (17), 175502, 2012 | 16 | 2012 |
Generation of some entangled states of the cavity field SR Miry, MK Tavassoly, R Roknizadeh Quantum Information Processing 14 (2), 593-606, 2015 | 13 | 2015 |
Nonlinear elliptical states: generation and nonclassical properties SR Miry, M Shahpari, MK Tavassoly Optics Communications 306, 49-56, 2013 | 9 | 2013 |
On the generation of number states, their single-and two-mode superpositions, and two-mode binomial state in a cavity SR Miry, MK Tavassoly, R Roknizadeh Journal of the Optical Society of America B 31 (2), 270-276, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
Nonclassicality of entangled Schrödinger cat states associated to generalized displaced Fock states SR Miry, MJ Faghihi, H Mahmoudi Physica Scripta 98 (12), 125109, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Entanglement of hybrid state by a constant electric field F Ahmadi, SR Miry Quantum Information Processing 20 (9), 301, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Superposition of entangled coherent states: Physical realization and properties SR Miry Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 200, 1006-1014, 2019 | 2 | 2019 |
Teleportation of the superposition of even (odd) coherent states and vacuum state SR Miry, F Ahmadi Quarterly Journal of Optoelectronic, 2025 | | 2025 |
Nonclassical properties of binomial state in inertial and accelerated motion SR Miry, F Ahmadi Journal of Research on Many-body Systems 13 (3), 69-83, 2023 | | 2023 |
Entanglement, QFI, and squeezing of hybrid state in the non-inertial frame SR Miry, F Ahmadi Journal of Interfaces, Thin Films, and Low dimensional systems 5 (2), 525-535, 2022 | | 2022 |
Web life: Faraday's Cage Is Where You Put Schrödinger's Cat SR Miry, MJ Faghihi, H Mahmoudi, J Sangma, N Sharma, M Chakraborty Physics World, 2012 | | 2012 |