Artículos con órdenes de acceso público - Gaetano EliaMás información
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Interpretation of landslide mechanisms based on numerical modelling: two case-histories
P Lollino, F Cotecchia, G Elia, G Mitaritonna, F Santaloia
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 20 (9), 1032-1053, 2016
Órdenes: Government of Italy
Assessing the influence of the hydraulic boundary conditions on clay slope stability: The Fontana Monte case study
A di Lernia, F Cotecchia, G Elia, V Tagarelli, F Santaloia, G Palladino
Engineering Geology, 106509, 2022
Órdenes: Government of Italy
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Numerical modelling of slope–vegetation–atmosphere interaction: an overview
G Elia, F Cotecchia, G Pedone, J Vaunat, PJ Vardon, C Pereira, ...
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 50 (3), 249-270, 2017
Órdenes: European Commission
The value of multiple earthquake missions: the EEFIT L’Aquila Earthquake experience
T Rossetto, D D’Ayala, F Gori, R Persio, J Han, V Novelli, SM Wilkinson, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 12, 277-305, 2014
Órdenes: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Nonlinear finite-element prediction of the performance of a deep excavation in Boston blue clay
M Rouainia, G Elia, S Panayides, P Scott
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 143 (5), 04017005, 2017
Órdenes: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Mineralogical and Micro-structural Investigation into the Mechanical Behaviour of a Soft Calcareous Mudstone
D Simpson, M Rouainia, G Elia
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 54 (6), 2707-2722, 2021
Órdenes: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Preliminary assessment of the correlation between three-dimensional topography and lining forces induced by earthquakes on shallow tunnels
G Falcone, G Elia, F Cafaro, A di Lernia
Proc. 10th Eur. Conf. on Num. Meth. in Geotech. Eng. (NUMGE 2023), London, UK, 2023
Órdenes: Government of Italy
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