The frustration of being odd: universal area law violation in local systems SM Giampaolo, FB Ramos, F Franchini
Journal of Physics Communications 3 (8), 081001, 2019
41 2019 -leg spin- Heisenberg ladders: A density-matrix renormalization group studyFB Ramos, JC Xavier
Physical Review B 89 (9), 094424, 2014
25 2014 Confinement and bound states of bound states in a transverse-field two-leg Ising ladder FB Ramos, M Lencses, JC Xavier, RG Pereira
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20 2020 Spin chain network construction of chiral spin liquids G Ferraz, FB Ramos, R Egger, RG Pereira
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16 2019 Chiral Y junction of quantum spin chains F Buccheri, R Egger, RG Pereira, FB Ramos
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13 2018 Power-law decay of correlations after a global quench in the massive XXZ chain FB Ramos, A Urichuk, I Schneider, J Sirker
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9 2023 Boundary versus bulk behavior of time-dependent correlation functions in one-dimensional quantum systems IS Eliëns, FB Ramos, JC Xavier, RG Pereira
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5 2011 Dynamical structure factors in the nematic phase of frustrated ferromagnetic spin chains FB Ramos, S Eliëns, RG Pereira
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4 2018 Continuous phase transition from a chiral spin state to collinear magnetic order in a zigzag chain with Kitaev interactions RA Macêdo, FB Ramos, RG Pereira
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3 2022 Universal finite-size corrections of the entanglement entropy of quantum ladders and the entropic area law JC Xavier, FB Ramos
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2 2014 Relaxation dynamics after a global quench in the massive XXZ chain I Schneider, F Ramos, J Sirker, A Urichuk
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2023