César Hernando Valencia Niño, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering
César Hernando Valencia Niño, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering
Otros nombresC H Valencia, C Valencia, Valencia C H
Mechatronic Engineering Dean, Universidad Santo Tomás
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Echo State Networks: Novel reservoir selection and hyperparameter optimization model for time series forecasting
CH Valencia, MMBR Vellasco, K Figueiredo
Neurocomputing 545, 126317, 2023
Modelo de optimización en la gestión de inventarios mediante algoritmos genéticos
CHV Niño
ITECKNE: Innovación e Investigación en Ingeniería 8 (2), 156-162, 2011
Magnetorheological damper control in a leg prosthesis mechanical
CH Valencia, M Vellasco, R Tanscheit, KT Figueiredo
Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications 3: Results from the 3rd …, 2015
Trajectory Tracking Control Using Echo State Networks for the CoroBot’s Arm
CH Valencia, MMBR Vellasco, KT Figueiredo
Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications 2: Results from the 2nd …, 2014
Estado del Arte de los Vehículos Autónomos sumergibles Alimentados por Energía solar
CHV Niño, MS Dutra
ITECKNE 7 (1), 46-53, 2010
On the use of neuroevolutive methods as support tools for diagnosing appendicitis and tuberculosis
AD Orjuela-Cañón, HF Posada-Quintero, CH Valencia, L Mendoza
Applied Computer Sciences in Engineering: 5th Workshop on Engineering …, 2018
Finite Element Analysis in the Balancing Phase for an Open Source Transfemoral Prosthesis with Magneto-Rheological Damper
S Muñoz-Vásquez, ZA Mora-Pérez, PA Ospina-Henao, CH Valencia-Niño, ...
Inventions 8 (1), 36, 2023
Discrete control of transfemoral prostheses for human walking with magnetorheological compensation
PZA Mora, SM Vásquez, CH Valencia, JJC Zagarra, M Becker, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2307 (1), 012017, 2022
Intensive Care Unit Occupancy Time Series Forecasting for COVID-19 Pandemic
AD Orjuela-Cañón, O Perdomo, L Mendoza, CH Valencia
2021 IEEE 2nd International Congress of Biomedical Engineering and …, 2021
Codificación y compresión de señales de voz con cuantización vectorial no determinística
MS Dutra, CHV Niño, RS García
ITECKNE: Innovación e Investigación en Ingeniería 6 (1), 14-19, 2009
Sentimental Analysis on Social Media Comments with Recurring Models and Pretrained Word Embeddings in Portuguese
CM Villalobos, LM Forero, H De Mello, C Valencia, A Orjuela, R Tanscheit, ...
Proceedings of the 2022 6th International Conference on Natural Language …, 2022
Modelling and Control System Design for UAV Tri-Rotor
H González, C Arizmendi, C Valencia, D Valle, B Bernal, A Vera
AETA 2019-Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Related Sciences …, 2021
Modeling of a Leg and Knee System for the Analysis of Human Gait by Means of State Feedback Control
SMV P.A. Ospina-Henao, César H. Valencia, Marcelo Becker, Zuly A. Mora P
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 332, 288 - 301, 2020
Prediction and decision making system through neural networks for investment assets: Gold, euro dollar and dow jones
CH Valencia Niño, A Sanabria, C Pinto, D Orjuela
Applied Computer Sciences in Engineering: 6th Workshop on Engineering …, 2019
Comparative Analysis of Arm Control Performance Using Computational Intelligence
CH Valencia, MMBR Vellasco, KT Figueiredo
Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications 2012: An Edition of the …, 2013
Optimización de la Curva de Distorsión utilizando Cuantización Vectorial de Estado Finito
CH Valencia, RE Ramírez, MS Dutra
XIII Simposio de Tratamiento de Señales, Imágenes y Visión Artificial-STSIVA2008, 0
Fuzzy Control Implementation for Magnetorheological Compensation in a Lower Limb Mechatronics Prosthesis: Design Approach
CH Valencia Niño, ZA Mora, S Muñoz Vasquez, PA Ospina Henao, ...
Available at SSRN 4951030, 2024
Neural Network Design to Determine Variables Affecting Poultry Growth
D Hincapie, S Triana, H González, H González, C Arizmendi, A Vera, ...
Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS …, 2023
Comparative Study of PID, DMC, and Fuzzy PD+ I Controllers in a Control Laboratory Kit
DP Ardila, DM Reyes, CV Niño, R Tanscheit, M Vellasco
2022 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI), 1-6, 2022
Discrete control of transfemoral prostheses for human walking with magnetorheological compensation
ZA Mora Pérez, SM Vásquez, CH Valencia, JJ Carreño Zagarra, M Becker, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2307 (1), 1-7, 2022
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