Isabelle BLANC
Isabelle BLANC
Professeur MINES ParisTech
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Simulation tool with its expert interface for the thermal design of multizone buildings
B Peuportier, IB Sommereux
International Journal of Solar Energy 8 (2), 109-120, 1990
Simulation tool with its expert interface for the thermal design of multizone buildings
B Peuportier, IB Sommereux
International Journal of Solar Energy 8 (2), 109-120, 1990
Environmental analysis of practical design options for enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) through life-cycle assessment
M Lacirignola, I Blanc
Renewable Energy 50, 901-914, 2013
LCA of emerging technologies: addressing high uncertainty on inputs' variability when performing global sensitivity analysis
M Lacirignola, P Blanc, R Girard, P Pérez-López, I Blanc
Science of the Total Environment 578, 268-280, 2017
Environmental impacts of large-scale grid-connected ground-mounted PV installations
A Beylot, J Payet, C Puech, N Adra, P Jacquin, I Blanc, ...
Renewable Energy 61, 2-6, 2014
From LCAs to Simplified Models: A Generic Methodology Applied to Wind Power Electricity
P Padey, R Girard, D le Boulch, I Blanc
Environmental science & technology 47 (3), 1231-1238, 2013
Towards a new index for environmental sustainability based on a DALY weighting approach
I Blanc, D Friot, M Margni, O Jolliet
Sustainable Development 16 (4), 251-260, 2008
The ESPA (Enhanced Structural Path Analysis) method: a solution to an implementation challenge for dynamic life cycle assessment studies
D Beloin-Saint-Pierre, R Heijungs, I Blanc
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 19, 861-871, 2014
Evaluation of the environmental quality of buildings towards a more environmentally conscious design
B Polster, B Peuportier, I Blanc Sommereux, P Diaz Pedregal, C Gobin, ...
Solar Energy 57 (3), 219-230, 1996
Integrating life cycle costs and environmental impacts of composite rail car-bodies for a Korean train
P Schwab Castella, I Blanc, M Gomez Ferrer, B Ecabert, M Wakeman, ...
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 14 (5), 429-442, 2009
Life Cycle Assessment of Future Photovoltaic Electricity Production from Residential-Scale Systems Operated in Europe, IEA-PVPS Task 12, Subtask 2.0, LCA Report IEA-PVPS T12–05 …
R Frischknecht, R Itten, F Wyss, I Blanc, G Heath, M Raugei, P Sinha, ...
Global sensitivity analysis as a support for the generation of simplified building stock energy models
A Mastrucci, P Perez-Lopez, E Benetto, U Leopold, I Blanc
Energy and Buildings 149, 368-383, 2017
A Simplified Life Cycle Approach for Assessing Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Wind Electricity
P Padey, I Blanc, D Le Boulch, Z Xiusheng
Journal of Industrial Ecology 16, S28–S38, 2012
A simplified model for the estimation of life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of enhanced geothermal systems
M Lacirignola, BH Meany, P Padey, I Blanc
Geothermal energy 2 (1), 1-19, 2014
Exploring technologically, temporally and geographically-sensitive life cycle inventories for wind turbines: A parameterized model for Denmark
R Sacchi, R Besseau, P Pérez-López, I Blanc
Renewable Energy 132, 1238-1250, 2019
Step-by-step social life cycle assessment framework: a participatory approach for the identification and prioritization of impact subcategories applied to mobility scenarios
G Bouillass, I Blanc, P Perez-Lopez
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 26, 2408-2435, 2021
Implementing a Dynamic Life Cycle Assessment Methodology with a Case Study on Domestic Hot Water Production
D Beloin‐Saint‐Pierre, A Levasseur, M Margni, I Blanc
Journal of Industrial Ecology 21 (5), 1128-1138, 2017
Towards a global criteria based framework for the sustainability assessment of bioethanol supply chains: Application to the Swiss dilemma: Is local produced bioethanol more …
T Corbière-Nicollier, I Blanc, S Erkman
Ecological Indicators 11 (5), 1447-1458, 2011
Definition of LCA guidelines in the geothermal sector to enhance result comparability
ML Parisi, M Douziech, L Tosti, P Pérez-López, B Mendecka, S Ulgiati, ...
Energies 13 (14), 3534, 2020
Site‐specific life cycle assessment of a pilot floating offshore wind farm based on suppliers’ data and geo‐located wind data
B Poujol, A Prieur‐Vernat, J Dubranna, R Besseau, I Blanc, ...
Journal of Industrial Ecology 24 (1), 248-262, 2020
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