Julie Selwyn
Julie Selwyn
Professor of Education and Adoption
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Beyond the Adoption Order: challenges, interventions and disruptions
J Selwyn, DN Wijedasa, SJ Meakings
Department for Education, 2014
Adoption in the service of child protection: An international interdisciplinary perspective.
J Palacios, S Adroher, DM Brodzinsky, HD Grotevant, DE Johnson, ...
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 25 (2), 57, 2019
Costs and outcomes of non-infant adoptions
J Selwyn, W Sturgess, D Quinton, C Baxter
British Association for Adoption and Fostering, 2006
Adoption breakdown: Concept, research, and implications
J Palacios, N Rolock, J Selwyn, M Barbosa-Ducharne
Research on Social Work Practice 29 (2), 130-142, 2019
‘Other children say you're not normal because you don't live with your parents’. Children's views of living with informal kinship carers: social networks, stigma and attachment …
E Farmer, J Selwyn, S Meakings
Child & Family Social Work 18 (1), 25-34, 2013
Stability, permanence, outcomes and support: Foster care and adoption compared
J Selwyn, D Quinton
Adoption & Fostering 28 (4), 6-15, 2004
Looked after children and young people’s views on what matters to their subjective well-being
M Wood, J Selwyn
Adoption & Fostering 41 (1), 20-34, 2017
Adolescent-to-parent violence in adoptive families
J Selwyn, S Meakings
The British Journal of Social Work 46 (5), 1224-1240, 2016
Kinship care in the UK: Using census data to estimate the extent of formal and informal care by relatives
J Selwyn, S Nandy
Child & Family Social Work 19 (1), 44-54, 2014
Spotlight on kinship care
S Nandy, J Selwyn, E Farmer, P Vaisey
Bristol: University of Bristol 304 (10), 2011
Pathways to permanence for black, Asian and mixed ethnicity children: dilemmas, decision-making and outcomes
J Selwyn, P Harris, D Quinton, S Nawaz, D Wijedasa, M Wood
DCSF Research Brief, 2008
Improving child and family assessments: Turning research into practice
D Turney, D Platt, J Selwyn, E Farmer
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2011
Kinship care and poverty: Using census data to examine the extent and nature of kinship care in the UK
S Nandy, J Selwyn
British Journal of Social Work 43 (8), 1649-1666, 2013
Social work assessment of children in need: what do we know? Messages from research: executive summary
D Turney, D Platt, J Selwyn
Looked after children and young people in England: Developing measures of subjective well-being
J Selwyn, M Wood, T Newman
Child Indicators Research 10, 363-380, 2017
Supporting the placements of children adopted out of care
W Sturgess, J Selwyn
Clinical child psychology and psychiatry 12 (1), 13-28, 2007
The Poor Relations? Children and informal kinship carers speak out
J Selwyn, E Farmer, S Meakings, P Vaisey
Adoption & Fostering 37 (3), 327-328, 2013
'No-one told us it was going to be like this': Compassion fatigue and foster carers
H Ottaway, J Selwyn
University of Bristol, 2016
Placing older children in new families: Changing patterns of contact
JT Selwyn
Contact in Adoption and Permanent Foster Care, Research Theory and Practice …, 2004
The views of children and young people on being cared for by an independent foster-care provider
J Selwyn, H Saunders, E Farmer
British Journal of Social Work 40 (3), 696-713, 2010
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