Michele J. Eliason
Michele J. Eliason
Professor of Health Education, San Francisco State University
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Suicide and suicide risk in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations: Review and recommendations
AP Haas, M Eliason, VM Mays, RM Mathy, SD Cochran, AR D'Augelli, ...
Journal of homosexuality 58 (1), 10-51, 2010
Substance use and abuse in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender populations
TL Hughes, M Eliason
Journal of Primary Prevention 22, 263-298, 2002
The prevalence and nature of biphobia in heterosexual undergraduate students
MJ Eliason
Archives of sexual behavior 26, 317-326, 1997
Identity formation for lesbian, bisexual, and gay persons: Beyond a ææMinoritizingÆÆ view
MJ Eliason
Journal of homosexuality 30 (3), 31-58, 1996
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) physicians' experiences in the workplace
MJ Eliason, SL Dibble, PA Robertson
Journal of homosexuality 58 (10), 1355-1371, 2011
Nowhere to go: How stigma limits the options of female drug users after release from jail
J Van Olphen, MJ Eliason, N Freudenberg, M Barnes
Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy 4, 1-10, 2009
A national survey of faculty knowledge, experience, and readiness for teaching lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender health in baccalaureate nursing programs
F Lim, M Johnson, M Eliason
Nursing Education Perspectives 36 (3), 144-152, 2015
Original Research: Does “Don't Ask Don't Tell” Apply to Health Care? Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual People's Disclosure to Health Care Providers
MJ Eliason, R Schope
Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association 5, 125-134, 2001
Bi-negativity: The stigma facing bisexual men
M Eliason
Journal of Bisexuality 1 (2-3), 137-154, 2000
Shifting sands or solid foundation? Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender identity formation
MJ Eliason, R Schope
The health of sexual minorities: Public health perspectives on lesbian, gay …, 2007
“Never in all my years…”: Nurses' education about LGBT health
R Carabez, M Pellegrini, A Mankovitz, M Eliason, M Ciano, M Scott
Journal of Professional Nursing 31 (4), 323-329, 2015
Nursing's silence on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues: The need for emancipatory efforts
MJ Eliason, S Dibble, J DeJoseph
Advances in Nursing Science 33 (3), 206-218, 2010
Queer studies: A lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender anthology
G Beemyn, M Elianon, M Eliason
NYU Press, 1996
From invisible to incorrigible: The demonization of marginalized women and girls
M Chesney-Lind, M Eliason
Crime, Media, Culture 2 (1), 29-47, 2006
Treatment counselor's attitudes about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered clients: Urban vs. rural settings
MJ Eliason, T Hughes
Substance use & misuse 39 (4), 625-644, 2004
Discourses of exclusion: Sexuality education's silencing of sexual others
JP Elia, M Eliason
Journal of LGBT youth 7 (1), 29-48, 2010
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning nurses' experiences in the workplace
MJ Eliason, J DeJoseph, S Dibble, S Deevey, P Chinn
Journal of Professional Nursing 27 (4), 237-244, 2011
Reading disability in children with clefts
LC Richman, MJ Eliason, SD Lindgren
Cleft Palate J 25 (1), 21-25, 1988
Neurofibromatosis: implications for learning and behavior
MJ Eliason
Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 7 (3), 175-179, 1986
Psychological characteristics of children with cleft lip and palate: intellectual, achievement, behavioral and personality variables
LC Richman, M Eliason
The Cleft palate journal 19 (4), 249-257, 1982
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