On the conditions of magma mixing and its bearing on andesite production in the crust M Laumonier, B Scaillet, M Pichavant, R Champallier, J Andujar, ...
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73 2008 Differentiation conditions of a basaltic magma from Santorini, and its bearing on the production of andesite in arc settings J Andújar, B Scaillet, M Pichavant, TH Druitt
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48 2015 Structure of the plumbing system at Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador: insights from phase equilibrium experiments on July–August 2006 eruption products J Andújar, C Martel, M Pichavant, P Samaniego, B Scaillet, I Molina
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43 2013 Generation conditions of dacite and rhyodacite via the crystallization of an andesitic magma. Implications for the plumbing system at Santorini (Greece) and the origin of … J Andújar, B Scaillet, M Pichavant, TH Druitt
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40 2016 Phase equilibria of Pantelleria trachytes (Italy): constraints on pre-eruptive conditions and on the metaluminous to peralkaline transition in silicic magmas P Romano, J Andújar, B Scaillet, N Romengo, I Di Carlo, SG Rotolo
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18 2018 Mediterranean basin basalts as potential materials for thermal energy storage in concentrated solar plants B Bouvry, AJF Carrión, J Andújar, E Veron, S Ory, S Brassamin, ...
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18 2017 Experimental determination of H O and CO solubilities of mafic alkaline magmas from Canary Islands M Jiménez-Mejías, J Andújar, B Scaillet, R Casillas
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14 2021 Controls of magma chamber zonation on eruption dynamics and deposits stratigraphy: The case of El Palomar fallout succession (Tenerife, Canary Islands) J Martí, S Zafrilla, J Andújar, M Jiménez-Mejías, B Scaillet, D Pedrazzi, ...
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14 2020 Experimental simulations of magma storage and ascent C Martel, RA Brooker, J Andújar, M Pichavant, B Scaillet, JD Blundy
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14 2017 On the conditions of magma mixing and its bearing on andesite production in the crust. Nat. Commun. 5 M Laumonier, B Scaillet, M Pichavant, R Champallier, J Andujar, ...
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