Applied asymptotic analysis, volume 75 of Graduate Studies in Mathematics PD Miller
American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2006
522 2006 Semiclassical soliton ensembles for the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation S Kamvissis, KDTR McLaughlin, PD Miller
Princeton University Press, 2003
260 2003 Discrete Orthogonal Polynomials.(AM-164): Asymptotics and Applications (AM-164) J Baik, PD Miller, KDTR McLaughlin, T Kriecherbauer
Princeton University Press, 2007
226 2007 A robust inverse scattering transform for the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation D Bilman, PD Miller
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 72 (8), 1722-1805, 2019
166 2019 The steepest descent method for orthogonal polynomials on the real line with varying weights KTR McLaughlin, PD Miller
International Mathematics Research Notices 2008, rnn075, 2008
146 2008 The∂ steepest descent method and the asymptotic behavior of polynomials orthogonal on the unit circle with fixed and exponentially varying nonanalytic weights KTR McLaughlin, PD Miller
arXiv preprint math.CA/0406484, 2008
132 2008 Extreme superposition: rogue waves of infinite order and the Painlevé-III hierarchy D Bilman, L Ling, PD Miller
115 2020 Finite genus solutions to the Ablowitz‐Ladik equations PD Miller, NM Ercolani, IM Krichever, CD Levermore
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 48 (12), 1369-1440, 1995
112 1995 Exploiting discreteness for switching in waveguide arrays O Bang, PD Miller
Optics letters 21 (15), 1105-1107, 1996
106 1996 Optimal tail estimates for directed last passage site percolation with geometric random variables J Baik, P Deift, K McLaughlin, P Miller, X Zhou
arXiv preprint math/0112162, 2001
101 2001 On the semiclassical limit of the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation PD Miller, S Kamvissis
Physics Letters A 247 (1-2), 75-86, 1998
101 1998 Self-similar evolution of self-written waveguides TM Monro, PD Miller, L Poladian, C Martijn de Sterke
Optics letters 23 (4), 268-270, 1998
96 1998 On the generation of solitons and breathers in the modified Korteweg–de Vries equation S Clarke, R Grimshaw, P Miller, E Pelinovsky, T Talipova
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 10 (2), 383-392, 2000
93 2000 The quantum discrete self-trapping equation in the Hartree approximation E Wright, JC Eilbeck, MH Hays, PD Miller, AC Scott
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 69 (1-2), 18-32, 1993
93 1993 Uniform asymptotics for polynomials orthogonal with respect to a general class of discrete weights and universality results for associated ensembles: announcement of results J Baik, T Kriecherbauer, KDTR McLaughlin, PD Miller
International Mathematics Research Notices 2003 (15), 821-858, 2003
83 2003 Dispersive Asymptotics for Linear and Integrable Equations by the Steepest Descent Method M Dieng, KDTR McLaughlin, PD Miller
Nonlinear dispersive partial differential equations and inverse scattering …, 2019
66 2019 Large-degree asymptotics of rational Painlevé-II functions: noncritical behaviour RJ Buckingham, PD Miller
Nonlinearity 27 (10), 2489, 2014
66 2014 The N ‐soliton of the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation for N large GD Lyng, PD Miller
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Journal Issued by the …, 2007
65 2007 Dispersive hydrodynamics: preface G Biondini, GA El, MA Hoefer, PD Miller
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 333, 1-5, 2016
50 2016 Graphical Krein Signature Theory and Evans--Krein Functions R Kollár, PD Miller
siam REVIEW 56 (1), 73-123, 2014
50 2014