Jan Dries
Jan Dries
Associate Professor, University of Antwerp
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Effect of humic acids on heavy metal removal by zero-valent iron in batch and continuous flow column systems
J Dries, L Bastiaens, D Springael, S Kuypers, SN Agathos, L Diels
Water research 39 (15), 3531-3540, 2005
Competition for sorption and degradation of chlorinated ethenes in batch zero-valent iron systems
J Dries, L Bastiaens, D Springael, SN Agathos, L Diels
Environmental Science & Technology 38 (10), 2879-2884, 2004
High rate biological treatment of sulfate-rich wastewater in an acetate-fed EGSB reactor
J Dries, A De Smul, L Goethals, H Grootaerd, W Verstraete
Biodegradation 9 (2), 103-111, 1998
Combined removal of chlorinated ethenes and heavy metals by zerovalent iron in batch and continuous flow column systems
J Dries, L Bastiaens, D Springael, SN Agathos, L Diels
Environmental Science & Technology 39 (21), 8460-8465, 2005
Opinion paper about organic trace pollutants in wastewater: Toxicity assessment in a European perspective
R Pedrazzani, G Bertanza, I Brnardić, Z Cetecioglu, J Dries, J Dvarionienė, ...
Science of the total environment 651, 3202-3221, 2019
Formation of aerobic granular sludge during the treatment of petrochemical wastewater
M Caluwé, T Dobbeleers, J D'aes, S Miele, V Akkermans, D Daens, ...
Bioresource Technology 238, 559-567, 2017
High rates of microbial sulphate reduction in a mesophilic ethanol-fed expanded-granular-sludge-blanket reactor
AD Smul, J Dries, L Goethals, H Grootaerd, W Verstraete
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 48, 297-303, 1997
Impact of microbial activities on the mineralogy and performance of column-scale permeable reactive iron barriers operated under two different redox conditions
T Van Nooten, F Lieben, J Dries, E Pirard, D Springael, L Bastiaens
Environmental science & technology 41 (16), 5724-5730, 2007
Performance of aerobic nitrite granules treating an anaerobic pre-treated wastewater originating from the potato industry
T Dobbeleers, D Daens, S Miele, J D’aes, M Caluwé, L Geuens, J Dries
Bioresource Technology 226, 211-219, 2017
Impact of the substrate composition on enhanced biological phosphorus removal during formation of aerobic granular sludge
L Dockx, M Caluwé, F De Vleeschauwer, T Dobbeleers, J Dries
Bioresource Technology 337, 125482, 2021
Enhanced treatment of secondary municipal wastewater effluent: comparing (biological) filtration and ozonation in view of micropollutant removal, unselective effluent toxicity …
M Chys, K Demeestere, AS Ingabire, J Dries, H Van Langenhove, ...
Water Science and Technology 76 (1), 236-246, 2017
Conventional and (eco) toxicological assessment of batch partial ozone oxidation and subsequent biological treatment of a tank truck cleaning generated concentrate
W De Schepper, J Dries, L Geuens, J Robbens, R Blust
Water research 43 (16), 4037-4049, 2009
Formation of aerobic granular sludge and the influence of the pH on sludge characteristics in a SBR fed with brewery/bottling plant wastewater
H Stes, S Aerts, M Caluwé, T Dobbeleers, S Wuyts, F Kiekens, J D'aes, ...
Water Science and Technology 77 (9), 2253-2264, 2018
Application of online instrumentation in industrial wastewater treatment plants–a survey in Flanders, Belgium
R Cornelissen, T Van Dyck, J Dries, P Ockier, I Smets, R Van den Broeck, ...
Water Science and Technology 78 (4), 957-967, 2018
Wastewater treatment plant modeling supported toxicity identification and evaluation of a tank truck cleaning effluent
W De Schepper, J Dries, L Geuens, R Blust
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73 (5), 702-709, 2010
Aeration control strategies to stimulate simultaneous nitrification-denitrification via nitrite during the formation of aerobic granular sludge
T Dobbeleers, J D’aes, S Miele, M Caluwé, V Akkermans, D Daens, ...
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 101, 6829-6839, 2017
Biological nutrient removal from slaughterhouse wastewater via nitritation/denitritation using granular sludge: an onsite pilot demonstration
T Dobbeleers, M Caluwé, L Dockx, D Daens, J D'aes, J Dries
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 95 (1), 111-122, 2020
Dynamic control of nutrient-removal from industrial wastewater in a sequencing batch reactor, using common and low-cost online sensors
J Dries
Water Science and Technology 73 (4), 740-745, 2016
Granulation strategies applied to industrial wastewater treatment: from lab to full-scale
M Caluwé, K Goossens, K Seguel Suazo, E Tsertou, J Dries
Water Science and Technology 85 (9), 2761-2771, 2022
Performance and stability of a dynamically controlled EBPR anaerobic/aerobic granular sludge reactor
F De Vleeschauwer, M Caluwé, T Dobbeleers, H Stes, L Dockx, F Kiekens, ...
Bioresource Technology 280, 151-157, 2019
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