Federico Mas
Federico Mas
Laboratorio de Recursos Pleágicos, Dirección Nacional de Recursos Acuáticos
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Distribution patterns and population structure of the blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans
R Coelho, J Mejuto, A Domingo, K Yokawa, KM Liu, E Cortés, ...
Fish and Fisheries 19 (1), 90-106, 2018
Mobulid ray by-catch in longline fisheries in the south-western Atlantic Ocean
F Mas, R Forselledo, A Domingo
Marine and Freshwater Research 66 (9), 767-777, 2015
Length-length relationships for six pelagic shark species commonly caught in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean
F Mas, R Forselledo, A Domingo
Collect Vol Sci Pap ICCAT 70 (5), 2441-2445, 2014
Is the tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier a coastal species? Expanding its distribution range in the Atlantic Ocean using at‐sea observer data
A Domingo, R Coelho, E Cortes, B Garcia‐Cortes, F Mas, J Mejuto, ...
Journal of fish biology 88 (3), 1223-1228, 2016
Movements, habitat use, and diving behavior of shortfin mako in the Atlantic Ocean
CC Santos, A Domingo, J Carlson, LJ Natanson, P Travassos, D Macías, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 686343, 2021
Análisis de la captura de condrictios en la pesca artesanal oceánica de Uruguay, Atlántico Sudoccidental
S Silveira, M Laporta, I Pereyra, F Mas, F Doño, O Santana, G Fabiano
Frente Marítimo 25, 301-324, 2018
Updates on the habitat use and migrations of shortfin mako in the Atlantic using satellite telemetry
CC Santos, A Domingo, J Carlson, L Natanson, P Travassos, D Macias, ...
Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT 76 (10), 235-246, 2020
Distribution patterns of the blue shark Prionace glauca in the Atlantic Ocean, from observer data of the major fishing fleets
R Coelho, J Mejuto, A Domingo, KM Liu, E Cortés, K Yokawa, F Hazin, ...
Standing Committee on Research and Statistics Document, 2015
Age and growth of shortfin mako in the North Atlantic, with revised parameters for consideration to use in the stock assessment
D Rosa, F Mas, A Mathers, LJ Natanson, A Domingo, J Carlson, R Coelho
International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT SCRS …, 2017
New insights into the reproductive biology of the blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the South Atlantic Ocean
F Mas, E Cortés, R Coelho, O Defeo, R Forselledo, A Domingo
Fisheries Research 262, 106643, 2023
Updates on post-release mortality of shortfin mako in the Atlantic using satellite telemetry
P Miller, C Casaca Santos, J Carlson, L Natanson, E Cortes, F Mas, ...
Preliminary sustainability assessment for fishing effects (SAFE) of pelagic longline fisheries on porbeagle sharks and identification of F-based biological reference points
E Cortés, H Bowlby, J Carlson, R Coelho, A Domingo, R Forselledo, ...
ICCAT Collective Volume of Scientific Papers 77 (6), 148-168, 2020
Length-Length and Length-Weight relationships of swordfish, Xiphias gladius, caught by longliners in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
R Forselledo, F Mas, M Ortiz, A Domingo
Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT 74 (3), 1151-1157, 2017
General description of longline fisheries. ICCAT manual, 312
A Domingo, R Forselledo, P Miller, S Jiménez, F Mas, M Pons
Esclerocronología del tiburón azul (Prionace glauca) en el Atlántico sudoccidental
F Mas
MS Ciencias Biológicas. Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay …, 2015
Shedding rates and retention performance of conventional dart tags in large pelagic sharks: Insights from a double-tagging experiment on blue shark (Prionace glauca)
F Mas, E Cortés, R Coelho, O Defeo, R Forselledo, S Jiménez, P Miller, ...
Fisheries Research 255, 106462, 2022
Results of the double tagging study conducted in sharks
A Domingo, E Cortés, R Forselledo, S Jiménez, F Mas, P Miller
Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT 72 (5), 1105-1112, 2016
Standardized CPUE of porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) caught by the Uruguayan pelagic longline fleet in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean (1982-2012)
R Forselledo, F Mas, A Domingo, S Hoyle
Western and Central Pacific fisheries commission SC13‐2017/SA‐IP‐18, 23, 2017
Catch disposition of blue sharks (Prionace glauca) caught by longliners in the Southwestern Atlantic
F Mas, R Forselledo, A Domingo
Collective Volume of Scientific Papers—ICCAT 72 (5), 1113-23, 2016
New records and range extension of the Portuguese dogfish Centroscymnus coelolepis in the south‐western Atlantic Ocean, with comments on its morphology
F Mas, R Forselledo, A Domingo, O Pin, P Troncoso, E Errico, A Marquez, ...
Journal of Fish Biology 96 (3), 601-616, 2020
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