Analytical fragility functions for horizontally curved steel I-girder highway bridges E Amirihormozaki, G Pekcan, A Itani Journal of Earthquake Spectra 31 (4), 2235-2254, 2015 | 43 | 2015 |
Analytical Fragility Functions for Horizontally Curved Steel Girder Highway Bridges E Amirihormozaki, G Pekcan, A Itani Seventh National Seismic Conference on Bridges and Highways (7NSC), 2013 | 43 | 2013 |
Analytical modeling of horizontally curved steel girder highway bridges for seismic analysis E Amirihormozaki, G Pekcan, A Itani Journal of Earthquake Engineering 19 (2), 220-248, 2015 | 29 | 2015 |
Analytical fragility curves for horizontally curved steel girder highway bridges E AmiriHormozaki University of Nevada, Reno, 2013 | 12 | 2013 |
Seismic Retrofit and Reconstruction of the Historic Georgia Street Concrete Arch Bridge E Amirihormozaki, N Johnson International Bridge Conference 2016, 2016 | | 2016 |
Application of Large-Diameter Circular Reinforced Concrete Filled Tube (RCFT) Shaft Foundations for Seismic Design of Railroad Bridges E AmiriHormozaki, K Burnell, N Johnson American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association Annual …, 2016 | | 2016 |
CCEER-13-16: Seismic Design and Nonlinear Evaluation of Steel I-Girder Bridges with Ductile End Cross-Frames AM Itani, EV Monzon, MA Grubb, E Amirihormozaki | | 2013 |
Seismic Design and Nonlinear Evaluation of Steel I-Girder Bridges Using Conventional and Ductile Support Cross-Frames AM Itani, EV Monzon, MA Grubb, E Amirihormozaki Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake Research (CCEER), 2013 | | 2013 |
CCEER-13-03: Analytical Fragility Curves for Horizontally Curved Steel Girder Highway Bridges E Amirihormozaki, G Pekcan | | 2013 |