Yang Zhao
Yang Zhao
Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics
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Entanglement entropy of disordered quantum chains following a global quench
JS Y Zhao, F Andraschko
arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.04380, 2016
Magnetization plateau and incommensurate spin modulation in Ca3Co2O6
Y Zhao, SS Gong, W Li, G Su
Applied Physics Letters 96 (16), 2010
Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition and re-entrance in an anisotropic three-state Potts model on the generalized kagome lattice
Y Zhao, W Li, B Xi, Z Zhang, X Yan, SJ Ran, T Liu, G Su
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (3 …, 2013
Entanglement dynamics in the three-dimensional Anderson model
Y Zhao, D Feng, Y Hu, S Guo, J Sirker
Physical Review B 102 (19), 195132, 2020
Communication: Spin-boson model with diagonal and off-diagonal coupling to two independent baths: Ground-state phase transition in the deep sub-Ohmic regime
Y Zhao, Y Yao, V Chernyak
The Journal of Chemical Physics 140 (16), 2014
Logarithmic entanglement growth in two-dimensional disordered fermionic systems
Y Zhao, J Sirker
Physical Review B 100 (1), 014203, 2019
Localization of fermions in coupled chains with identical disorder
Y Zhao, S Ahmed, J Sirker
Physical Review B 95 (23), 235152, 2017
Low-energy effective theory and two distinct critical phases in a spin- frustrated three-leg spin tube
Y Zhao, SS Gong, YJ Wang, G Su
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (22), 224406, 2012
Honeycomb Heisenberg spin ladder: Unusual ground state and thermodynamic properties
Y Zhao, W Li, B Xi, SJ Ran, YY Zhu, BW Wang, S Gao, G Su
Europhysics Letters 104 (5), 57009, 2013
Logarithmic entanglement growth in two-dimensional disordered fermionic systems
J Sirker, Y Zhao
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2020 …, 2020
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