Ludwig Jens Papenfort
Ludwig Jens Papenfort
PhD theoretical physicist
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Signatures of quark-hadron phase transitions in general-relativistic neutron-star mergers
ER Most, LJ Papenfort, V Dexheimer, M Hanauske, S Schramm, ...
Physical Review Letters 122 (6), 061101, 2019
A lower bound on the maximum mass if the secondary in GW190814 was once a rapidly spinning neutron star
ER Most, LJ Papenfort, LR Weih, L Rezzolla
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 499 (1), L82-L86, 2020
Beyond second-order convergence in simulations of magnetized binary neutron stars with realistic microphysics
ER Most, LJ Papenfort, L Rezzolla
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490 (3), 3588-3600, 2019
On the deconfinement phase transition in neutron-star mergers
ER Most, L Jens Papenfort, V Dexheimer, M Hanauske, H Stoecker, ...
The European Physical Journal A 56, 1-11, 2020
New public code for initial data of unequal-mass, spinning compact-object binaries
LJ Papenfort, SD Tootle, P Grandclément, ER Most, L Rezzolla
Physical Review D 104 (2), 024057, 2021
Quasi-universal behavior of the threshold mass in unequal-mass, spinning binary neutron star mergers
SD Tootle, LJ Papenfort, ER Most, L Rezzolla
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 922 (1), L19, 2021
Dynamical ejecta and nucleosynthetic yields from eccentric binary neutron-star mergers
LJ Papenfort, R Gold, L Rezzolla
Physical Review D 98 (10), 104028, 2018
On accretion discs formed in MHD simulations of black hole–neutron star mergers with accurate microphysics
ER Most, LJ Papenfort, SD Tootle, L Rezzolla
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506 (3), 3511-3526, 2021
Impact of high spins on the ejection of mass in GW170817
ER Most, LJ Papenfort, A Tsokaros, L Rezzolla
The Astrophysical Journal 884 (1), 40, 2019
Fast ejecta as a potential way to distinguish black holes from neutron stars in high-mass gravitational-wave events
ER Most, LJ Papenfort, SD Tootle, L Rezzolla
The Astrophysical Journal 912 (1), 80, 2021
Impact of extreme spins and mass ratios on the post-merger observables of high-mass binary neutron stars
LJ Papenfort, ER Most, S Tootle, L Rezzolla
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513 (3), 3646-3662, 2022
MNRAS Letters, 499
ER Most, LJ Papenfort, LR Weih, L Rezzolla
L82, 2020
Neutron-star-merger equation of state
V Dexheimer, C Constantinou, ER Most, LJ Papenfort, M Hanauske, ...
Universe 5 (5), 129, 2019
New first-order formulation of the Einstein equations exploiting analogies with electrodynamics
H Olivares, IM Peshkov, ER Most, FM Guercilena, LJ Papenfort
Physical Review D 105 (12), 124038, 2022
High eccentricities and rapid spins in neutron star binaries
LJ Papenfort
Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg, 2024
Long-term Simulations of Magnetized Disks and Jets Around Supermassive Black-hole Binaries in General Relativity
R Gold, L Rezzolla, LJ Papenfort, S Tootle, H Olivares, E Most, Z Younsi, ...
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering'19: Transactions of …, 2021
Accreting Black Hole Binaries
R Gold, L Rezzolla, LJ Papenfort, S Tootle, H Olivares, E Most, Z Younsi, ...
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering'20: Transactions of …, 2021
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