Joao Jorge Ribeiro Damasceno
Joao Jorge Ribeiro Damasceno
Professor de Engenharia Química, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
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Numerical simulation of two-dimensional flows over a circular cylinder using the immersed boundary method
ALFLE Silva, A Silveira-Neto, JJR Damasceno
Journal of Computational Physics 189 (2), 351-370, 2003
Hydrogen production by a low-cost electrolyzer developed through the combination of alkaline water electrolysis and solar energy use
DDA de Fátima Palhares, LGM Vieira, JJR Damasceno
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43 (9), 4265-4275, 2018
A mathematical model for batch and continuous thickening of flocculated suspensions in vessels with varying cross-section
R Bürger, JJR Damasceno, KH Karlsen
International journal of mineral processing 73 (2-4), 183-208, 2004
Performance of hydrocyclones with different geometries
LGM Vieira, BC Silvério, JJR Damasceno, MAS Barrozo
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 89 (4), 655-662, 2011
Analysis of the influence of the filtering medium on the behaviour of the filtering hydrocyclone
FJ Souza, LGM Vieira, JJR Damasceno, MAS Barrozo
Powder Technology 107 (3), 259-267, 2000
Performance analysis and design of filtering hydrocyclones
LGM Vieira, EA Barbosa, JJR Damasceno, MAS Barrozo
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering 22, 143-152, 2005
Solar dish concentrator for desalting water
GO Prado, LGM Vieira, JJR Damasceno
Solar Energy 136, 659-667, 2016
Improvement of hydrocyclone separation performance by incorporating a conical filtering wall
LGM Vieira, JJR Damasceno, MAS Barrozo
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 49 (5), 460-467, 2010
Influence of geometric dimensions on the performance of a filtering hydrocyclone: an experimental and CFD study
DC Oliveira, CAK Almeida, LGM Vieira, JJR Damasceno, MAS Barrozo
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering 26, 575-582, 2009
A study of the fluid dynamic behaviour of filtering hydrocyclones
LGM Vieira, CA Silva Jr, JJR Damasceno, MAS Barrozo
Separation and Purification Technology 58 (2), 282-287, 2007
Analysis of suspension sedimentation in fluids with rheological shear-thinning properties and thixotropic effects
BA Moreira, F de Oliveira Arouca, JJR Damasceno
Powder Technology 308, 290-297, 2017
Sedimentation of solids in drilling fluids used in oil well drilling operations
NBC Santos, FM Fagundes, F de Oliveira Arouca, JJR Damasceno
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 162, 137-142, 2018
Uma contribuição ao estudo do espessamento contínuo
JJR Damasceno
Doutorado (Tese). Rio de Janeiro, 1992
Analysis and performance of a low-cost solar heater
DA Siqueira, LGM Vieira, JJR Damasceno
Renewable Energy 36 (9), 2538-2546, 2011
Estudo do desempenho de um hidrociclone filtrante
MAS Barrozo, JJR Damasceno, AE Lanna
Revista Ciência & Engenharia 1, 175-186, 1992
Differences of behavior between filtering hydrocyclones with bradley and rietema geometry
EA Barbosa, LGM Vieira, CAK Almeida, JJ Damasceno, MA Barrozo
Mater. Sci. Forum 416, 317-322, 2003
Study on the stability of a shear-thinning suspension used in oil well drilling
FM Fagundes, NBC Santos, JJR Damasceno, FO Arouca
Oil & Gas Sciences and Technology–Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 73, 10, 2018
Numerical methodology for orifice meter calibration
NMB Oliveira, LGM Vieira, JJR Damasceno
Materials Science Forum 660, 531-536, 2010
Analysis of the efficiency of a cloth cyclone: the effect of the permeability of the filtering medium
MV Rodrigues, FO Arouca, MAS Barrozo, JJR Damasceno
Brazilian journal of chemical engineering 20, 435-443, 2003
Concentration profiles and iso-concentration curves for batch settling using the gamma rays attenuation technique
FO Arouca, LCO Lopes, JJR Damasceno
Materials science forum 530, 29-34, 2006
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Artículos 1–20