An introduction to optical waveguides MJ Adams
(No Title), 1981
1989 1981 Study of the Mass and Spin-Parity of the Higgs Boson Candidate via Its Decays to Boson Pairs S Chatrchyan, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, ...
Physical Review Letters 110 (8), 081803, 2013
980 2013 Measurement of the Inclusive Jet Cross Section in Collisions at VM Abazov, B Abbott, M Abolins, BS Acharya, M Adams, T Adams, ...
Physical review letters 101 (6), 062001, 2008
555 * 2008 Measurement of the -violating phase using the flavor-tagged decay in of collisions VM Abazov, B Abbott, BS Acharya, M Adams, T Adams, GD Alexeev, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 85 (3), 032006, 2012
441 2012 Chemotherapy in advanced ovarian cancer: four systematic meta-analyses of individual patient data from 37 randomized trials K Aabo, M Adams, P Adnitt, DS Alberts, A Athanazziou, V Barley, DR Bell, ...
British journal of cancer 78 (11), 1479-1487, 1998
284 1998 Analysis of semiconductor laser optical amplifiers MJ Adams, JV Collins, ID Henning
IEE Proceedings J (Optoelectronics) 132 (1), 58-63, 1985
277 1985 Design, performance, and calibration of CMS forward calorimeter wedges S Abdullin, V Abramov, B Acharya, M Adams, N Akchurin, U Akgun, ...
The European Physical Journal C 53, 139-166, 2008
242 2008 and Boson Production in Collisions at TeVS Abachi, B Abbott, M Abolins, BS Acharya, I Adam, DL Adams, M Adams, ...
Physical review letters 75 (8), 1456, 1995
241 1995 Search for tt¯ resonances in the lepton plus jets final state in pp¯ collisions at s= 1.96 TeV VM Abazov, B Abbott, M Abolins, BS Acharya, M Adams, T Adams, ...
Physics Letters B 668 (2), 98-104, 2008
229 * 2008 High- jets in collisions at and 1800 GeV B Abbott, A Abdesselam, M Abolins, V Abramov, BS Acharya, DL Adams, ...
Physical Review D 64 (3), 032003, 2001
216 * 2001 production and limits on anomalous and couplings in collisions at VM Abazov, B Abbott, BS Acharya, M Adams, T Adams, GD Alexeev, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 85 (5), 052001, 2012
189 * 2012 Measurement of the Electron Charge Asymmetry in Events <?format ?>at VM Abazov, B Abbott, M Abolins, BS Acharya, M Adams, T Adams, ...
Physical review letters 101 (21), 211801, 2008
178 2008 Measurement of the Polarization of the and States in Collisions at VM Abazov, B Abbott, M Abolins, BS Acharya, M Adams, T Adams, ...
Physical review letters 101 (18), 182004, 2008
174 2008 Precise measurement of the top-quark mass from events at D0 VM Abazov, B Abbott, BS Acharya, M Adams, T Adams, GD Alexeev, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 84 (3), 032004, 2011
162 2011 Determination of optical fiber refractive index profiles by a near‐field scanning technique FME Sladen, DN Payne, MJ Adams
Applied Physics Letters 28 (5), 255-258, 1976
162 1976 Model-independent measurement of t-channel single top quark production in pp¯ collisions at s= 1.96 TeV VM Abazov, B Abbott, BS Acharya, M Adams, T Adams, GD Alexeev, ...
Physics Letters B 705 (4), 313-319, 2011
158 2011 A comparison of active and passive optical bistability in semiconductors M Adams, H Westlake, M O'Mahony, I Henning
IEEE journal of quantum electronics 21 (9), 1498-1504, 1985
157 1985 Precision measurement of the top-quark mass in final states VM Abazov, B Abbott, BS Acharya, M Adams, T Adams, JP Agnew, ...
Physical Review D 91 (11), 112003, 2015
151 2015 Search for a Fourth Generation Quark in Collisions at VM Abazov, B Abbott, BS Acharya, M Adams, T Adams, GD Alexeev, ...
Physical review letters 107 (8), 082001, 2011
149 2011 Precision Measurement of the Ratio B (t→ W b)/B (t→ W q) and Extraction of V tb VM Abazov, B Abbott, BS Acharya, M Adams, T Adams, GD Alexeev, ...
Physical review letters 107 (12), 121802, 2011
146 2011