Optimal control of nonlinear parabolic systems: theory: algorithms and applications P Neittaanmaki, D Tiba CRC Press, 1994 | 426 | 1994 |
Optimization of elliptic systems: theory and applications P Neittaanmaki, J Sprekels, D Tiba Springer Science & Business Media, 2007 | 226 | 2007 |
Optimal control of nonsmooth distributed parameter systems D Tiba Springer, 2006 | 156 | 2006 |
Lectures on the optimal control of elliptic equations D Tiba University of Jyväskylä, Department of Mathematics, 1995 | 88 | 1995 |
One hundred years since the introduction of the set distance by Dimitrie Pompeiu T Birsan, D Tiba System Modeling and Optimization: Proceedings of the 22nd IFIP TC7 …, 2006 | 80 | 2006 |
Pontryagin's principle in the control of semilinear elliptic variational inequalities JF Bonnans, D Tiba Applied Mathematics and Optimization 23 (1), 299-312, 1991 | 79 | 1991 |
Error estimates for the discretization of state constrained convex control problems: Error estimates for the discretization D Tiba, F Troeltzsch Numerical functional analysis and optimization 17 (9-10), 1005-1028, 1996 | 74 | 1996 |
An embedding of domains approach in free boundary problems and optimal design P Neittaanmäki, D Tiba SIAM journal on control and optimization 33 (5), 1587-1602, 1995 | 70 | 1995 |
Error estimates for the finite element approximation of a class of nonlinear optimal control problems WB Liu, D Tiba J. Numer. Func. Optim 22 (7-8), 953-972, 2001 | 67 | 2001 |
General optimality conditions for constrained convex control problems M Bergounioux, D Tiba SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 34 (2), 698-711, 1996 | 57 | 1996 |
Fixed domain approaches in shape optimization problems with Dirichlet boundary conditions P Neittaanmäki, A Pennanen, D Tiba Inverse Problems 25 (5), 055003, 2009 | 46 | 2009 |
On the necessity of some constraint qualification conditions in convex programming D Tiba, C Zalinescu Journal of Convex Analysis 11 (1), 95-110, 2004 | 40 | 2004 |
On the approximation and the optimization of plates V Arnautu, H Langmach, J Sprekels, D Tiba Numerical functional analysis and optimization 21 (3-4), 337-354, 2000 | 35 | 2000 |
Fixed domain approaches in shape optimization problems P Neittaanmäki, D Tiba Inverse Problems 28 (9), 093001, 2012 | 34 | 2012 |
Optimality conditions for distributed control problems with nonlinear state equation D Tiba SIAM journal on control and optimization 23 (1), 85-110, 1985 | 31 | 1985 |
A duality approach in the optimization of beams and plates J Sprekels, D Tiba SIAM journal on control and optimization 37 (2), 486-501, 1999 | 30 | 1999 |
A property of Sobolev spaces and existence in optimal design Tiba Applied Mathematics & Optimization 47, 45-58, 2002 | 27 | 2002 |
Existence for shape optimization problems in arbitrary dimension WB Liu, P Neittaanmäki, D Tiba SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 41 (5), 1440-1454, 2002 | 27 | 2002 |
The implicit function theorem and implicit parametrizations D Tiba Ann. Acad. Rom. Sci. Ser. Math. Appl 5 (1-2), 193-208, 2013 | 23 | 2013 |
Implicit functions and parametrizations in dimension three: generalized solutions MR Nicolai, D Tiba Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 35 (6), 2701-2710, 2014 | 22 | 2014 |