Richard diego Leite
Richard diego Leite
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Effects of resistance training on resistin, leptin, cytokines, and muscle force in elderly post-menopausal women
J Prestes, G Shiguemoto, JP Botero, A Frollini, R Dias, R Leite, G Pereira, ...
Journal of sports sciences 27 (14), 1607-1615, 2009
Dose-response of 1, 3, and 5 sets of resistance exercise on strength, local muscular endurance, and hypertrophy
R Radaelli, SJ Fleck, T Leite, RD Leite, RS Pinto, L Fernandes, R Simão
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 29 (5), 1349-1358, 2015
Effects of Resistance Training on Immunoinflammatory Response, TNF‐Alpha Gene Expression, and Body Composition in Elderly Women
LÂ Macêdo Santiago, LGL Neto, G Borges Pereira, RD Leite, ...
Journal of aging research 2018 (1), 1467025, 2018
Effects of linear vs. daily undulatory periodized resistance training on maximal and submaximal strength gains
F Miranda, R Simao, M Rhea, D Bunker, J Prestes, RD Leite, H Miranda, ...
The Journal of strength & conditioning research 25 (7), 1824-1830, 2011
The effects of exercise modalities on adiposity in obese rats
GFF Speretta, MC Rosante, FO Duarte, RD Leite, ADS Lino, RA Andre, ...
Clinics 67, 1469-1477, 2012
Effects of ovariectomy and resistance training on lipid content in skeletal muscle, liver, and heart; fat depots; and lipid profile
RD Leite, J Prestes, CF Bernardes, GE Shiguemoto, GB Pereira, ...
Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism 34 (6), 1079-1086, 2009
Menopause: highlighting the effects of resistance training
RD Leite, J Prestes, GB Pereira, GE Shiguemoto, SEA Perez
International journal of sports medicine 31 (11), 761-767, 2010
Resistance training may concomitantly benefit body composition, blood pressure and muscle MMP-2 activity on the left ventricle of high-fat fed diet rats
RD Leite, RCM Durigan, AD de Souza Lino, MV de Souza Campos, ...
Metabolism 62 (10), 1477-1484, 2013
Effects of resistance training on matrix metalloproteinase‐2 activity and biomechanical and physical properties of bone in ovariectomized and intact rats
GE Shiguemoto, J Prestes, RD Leite, GB Pereira, CLS Pontes, FV D'avila, ...
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 22 (5), 607-617, 2012
Influence of strength and flexibility training, combined or isolated, on strength and flexibility gains
T Leite, A de Souza Teixeira, F Saavedra, RD Leite, MR Rhea, R Simão
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 29 (4), 1083-1088, 2015
Linear and daily undulating resistance training periodizations have differential beneficial effects in young sedentary women
C De Lima, DA Boullosa, AB Frollini, FF Donatto, RD Leite, PRG Gonelli, ...
International journal of sports medicine 33 (09), 723-727, 2012
Acute effect of resistance training volume on hormonal responses in trained men
RD Leite, J Prestes, C Rosa, BF De Salles, A Maior, H Miranda, R Simão
Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 51 (2), 322, 2011
The measurement of lactate threshold in resistance exercise: a comparison of methods
NMF De Sousa, RF Magosso, GB Pereira, RD Leite, VM Arakelian, ...
Clinical physiology and functional imaging 31 (5), 376-381, 2011
Características antropométricas de jovens nadadores brasileiros do sexo masculino e feminino em diferentes categorias competitivas
J Prestes, RD Leite, GS Leite, FF Donatto, CB Urtado, J Bartolomeu Neto, ...
Rev Bras Cineantropom Desempenho Hum 8 (4), 25-31, 2006
Obesidade, inflamação e exercício: foco sobre o TNF-alfa e IL-10
GF Speretta, RD Leite, A Duarte
Revista HUPE 13 (1), 61-69, 2014
Resistance training and glycogen content in ovariectomized rats
J Prestes, RD Leite, GB Pereira, GE Shiguemoto, CF Bernardes, ...
International journal of sports medicine 33 (07), 550-554, 2012
Strength and hypertrophy responses to constant and decreasing rest intervals in trained men using creatine supplementation
TP Souza-Junior, JM Willardson, R Bloomer, RD Leite, SJ Fleck, ...
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 8, 1-11, 2011
Effects of ovariectomy and resistance training on oxidative stress markers in the rat liver
MFC Rodrigues, US Stotzer, MM Domingos, R Deminice, GE Shiguemoto, ...
Clinics 68 (9), 1247-1254, 2013
Mixed martial arts: history, physiology and training aspects
TP Souza-Junior, BN Ide, JE Sasaki, RF Lima, CCC Abad, RD Leite, ...
Influência do treinamento aeróbio nos mecanismos fisiopatológicos da hipertensão arterial sistêmica
FL Pontes Júnior, J Prestes, RD Leite, D Rodriguez
Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte 32, 229-244, 2010
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