Thiebaut de Schotten, M
Thiebaut de Schotten, M
Otros nombresDe Schotten, MT
Brain Connectivity and Behaviour Laboratory
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A diffusion tensor imaging tractography atlas for virtual in vivo dissections
M Catani, M Thiebaut de Schotten
cortex 44 (8), 1105-1132, 2008
A lateralized brain network for visuo-spatial attention
M Thiebaut de Schotten, F Dell’Acqua, S Forkel, A Simmons, F Vergani, ...
Nature Neuroscience, 1-1, 2011
A revised limbic system model for memory, emotion and behaviour
M Catani, F Dell’Acqua, M Thiebaut de Schotten
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 37 (8), 1724-1737, 2013
Short frontal lobe connections of the human brain
M Catani, F Dell’Acqua, F Vergani, F Malik, H Hodge, P Roy, ...
cortex 48 (2), 273-291, 2012
Direct evidence for a parietal-frontal pathway subserving spatial awareness in humans
M Thiebaut de Schotten, M Urbanski, H Duffau, E Volle, R Lévy, B Dubois, ...
Science 309 (5744), 2226-2228, 2005
Atlasing location, asymmetry and inter-subject variability of white matter tracts in the human brain with MR diffusion tractography
M Thiebaut de Schotten, A Bizzi, F Dell'Acqua, M Allin, M Walshe, ...
Neuroimage 54 (1), 49-59, 2011
Monkey to human comparative anatomy of the frontal lobe association tracts
M Thiebaut de Schotten, F Dell’Acqua, R Valabregue, M Catani
Cortex 48 (1), 82-96, 2012
Atlas of human brain connections
M Catani, MT De Schotten
Oxford University Press, USA, 2012
Left unilateral neglect as a disconnection syndrome
P Bartolomeo, M Thiebaut de Schotten, F Doricchi
Cerebral cortex 17 (11), 2479-2490, 2007
A novel frontal pathway underlies verbal fluency in primary progressive aphasia
M Catani, MM Mesulam, E Jakobsen, F Malik, A Martersteck, C Wieneke, ...
Brain 136 (8), 2619-2628, 2013
An improved neuroanatomical model of the default-mode network reconciles previous neuroimaging and neuropathological findings
PN Alves, C Foulon, V Karolis, D Bzdok, DS Margulies, E Volle, ...
Communications biology 2 (1), 370, 2019
Subjective cognitive decline and rates of incident Alzheimer's disease and non–Alzheimer's disease dementia
RER Slot, SAM Sikkes, J Berkhof, H Brodaty, R Buckley, E Cavedo, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 15 (3), 465-476, 2019
Evidence for potentials and limitations of brain plasticity using an atlas of functional resectability of WHO grade II gliomas: towards a “minimal common brain”
T Ius, E Angelini, M Thiebaut de Schotten, E Mandonnet, H Duffau
Neuroimage 56 (3), 992-1000, 2011
White matter (dis) connections and gray matter (dys) functions in visual neglect: gaining insights into the brain networks of spatial awareness
F Doricchi, M Thiebaut de Schotten, F Tomaiuolo, P Bartolomeo
cortex 44 (8), 983-995, 2008
Atlasing the frontal lobe connections and their variability due to age and education: a spherical deconvolution tractography study
K Rojkova, E Volle, M Urbanski, F Humbert, F Dell’Acqua, ...
Brain Structure and Function 221, 1751-1766, 2016
Damage to white matter pathways in subacute and chronic spatial neglect: a group study and 2 single-case studies with complete virtual “in vivo” tractography dissection
M Thiebaut de Schotten, F Tomaiuolo, M Aiello, S Merola, M Silvetti, ...
Cerebral cortex 24 (3), 691-706, 2014
Advanced lesion symptom mapping analyses and implementation as BCBtoolkit
C Foulon, L Cerliani, S Kinkingnéhun, R Levy, C Rosso, M Urbanski, ...
Gigascience 7 (3), giy004, 2018
Anatomical predictors of aphasia recovery: a tractography study of bilateral perisylvian language networks
SJ Forkel, M Thiebaut de Schotten, F Dell’Acqua, L Kalra, DGM Murphy, ...
Brain 137 (7), 2027-2039, 2014
Beyond cortical localization in clinico-anatomical correlation
M Catani, F Dell'Acqua, A Bizzi, SJ Forkel, SC Williams, A Simmons, ...
cortex 48 (10), 1262-1287, 2012
Learning to read improves the structure of the arcuate fasciculus
M Thiebaut de Schotten, L Cohen, E Amemiya, LW Braga, S Dehaene
Cerebral Cortex 24 (4), 989-995, 2014
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Artículos 1–20