Aymeric Bethencourt
Aymeric Bethencourt
Ph.D. in Robotics, IBM
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Citado por
3D reconstruction using interval methods on the kinect device coupled with an IMU
A Bethencourt, L Jaulin
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 10 (2), 93, 2013
Solving non-linear constraint satisfaction problems involving time-dependant functions
A Bethencourt, L Jaulin
Mathematics in Computer Science 8 (3), 503-523, 2014
VAIMOS: Realization of an Autonomous Robotic Sailboat
O Ménage, A Bethencourt, P Rousseaux, S Prigent
Robotic Sailing 2013: Proceedings of the 6th International Robotic Sailing …, 2014
Cooperative localization of underwater robots with unsynchronized clocks
A Bethencourt, L Jaulin
Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics 4 (4), 233-244, 2013
Interval Analysis for swarm localization. Application to underwater robotics.
A Bethencourt
Application to underwater robotics, 2014
Stability analysis for time-dependent nonlinear systems. An interval approach
A Stancu, L Jaulin, A Bethencourt
Automatica, 2015
Distributed localization of a group of underwater robots
A Bethencourt, L Jaulin
Solving geometrical constraints in space-time
A Béthencourt, L Jaulin
Nonlinear state estimation with delays
A Bethencourt, L Jaulin, I OSM
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Artículos 1–9