Yaqing Fan
Cited by
Cited by
A benchmark study on problems related to CO2 storage in geologic formations: Summary and discussion of the results
H Class, A Ebigbo, R Helmig, HK Dahle, JM Nordbotten, MA Celia, ...
Computational geosciences 13, 409-434, 2009
Numerical simulation of the in-situ upgrading of oil shale
Y Fan, LJ Durlofsky, HA Tchelepi
SPE Journal 15 (02), 368-381, 2010
Uncertainties in practical simulation of CO2 storage
JM Nordbotten, B Flemisch, SE Gasda, HM Nilsen, Y Fan, GE Pickup, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 9, 234-242, 2012
A fully-coupled flow-reactive-transport formulation based on element conservation, with application to CO2 storage simulations
Y Fan, LJ Durlofsky, HA Tchelepi
Advances in Water Resources 42, 47-61, 2012
Chemical reaction modeling in a compositional reservoir-simulation framework
SF Farshidi, Y Fan, LJ Durlofsky, HA Tchelepi
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, SPE-163677-MS, 2013
Chemical reaction modeling in a subsurface flow simulator with application to in-situ upgrading and CO2 mineralization
Y Fan
Stanford University, 2010
A novel approach to model enhanced coal bed methane recovery with discrete fracture characterizations in a geochemical simulator
B Gong, Y Zhang, Y Fan, G Qin
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 124, 198-208, 2014
Corrigendum to "Uncertainties in practical simulation of CO2 storage" [Int. J Greenhouse Gas Control 9C (2012) 234-242]
JM Nordbotten, B Flemisch, SE Gasda, HM Nilsen, Y Fan, GE Pickup, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 13, 235-235, 2013
A fully-coupled flow-reactive-transport formulation based on element conservation, with application to CO₂ storage simulations
Y Fan, LJ Durlofsky, HA Tchelepi
Summary of Carbon Storage Potential and Activities in China
J Qian, Y Fan
International Workshop on Clean Energy and Carbon Capture and Storage, 2006
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