Edem Mahu
Edem Mahu
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Microplastic ingestion by pelagic and demersal fish species from the Eastern Central Atlantic Ocean, off the Coast of Ghana
SA Adika, E Mahu, R Crane, R Marchant, J Montford, R Folorunsho, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 153, 110998, 2020
Microplastics in Ghanaian coastal lagoon sediments: their occurrence and spatial distribution
N Chico-Ortiz, E Mahu, R Crane, C Gordon, R Marchant
Regional Studies in Marine Science 40, 101509, 2020
Potential human health risks associated with ingestion of heavy metals through fish consumption in the Gulf of Guinea
E Nyarko, CM Boateng, O Asamoah, MO Edusei, E Mahu
Toxicology Reports 10, 117-123, 2023
Distribution and enrichment of trace metals in marine sediments from the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic, off the Coast of Ghana in the Gulf of Guinea
E Mahu, E Nyarko, S Hulme, KH Coale
Marine pollution bulletin 98 (1-2), 301-307, 2015
Geochronology and historical deposition of trace metals in three tropical estuaries in the Gulf of Guinea
E Mahu, E Nyarko, S Hulme, P Swarzenski, DK Asiedu, KH Coale
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 177, 31-40, 2016
Human health risk and food safety implications of microplastic consumption by fish from coastal waters of the eastern equatorial Atlantic Ocean
E Mahu, WG Datsomor, R Folorunsho, J Fisayo, R Crane, R Marchant, ...
Food Control 145, 109503, 2023
Addressing data gaps in marine litter distribution: citizen science observation of plastics in coastal ecosystems by high-school students
AI Catarino, E Mahu, MI Severin, LK Akpetou, P Annasawmy, FE Asuquo, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1126895, 2023
Climate Resilience and Adaptation in West African Oyster Fisheries: An Expert-Based Assessment of the Vulnerability of the Oyster Crassostrea tulipa to Climate …
E Mahu, S Sanko, A Kamara, EO Chuku, E Effah, Z Sohou, Y Zounon, ...
Fishes 7 (4), 205, 2022
Impact of the citizen science project COLLECT on ocean literacy and well-being within a north/west African and south-east Asian context
MI Severin, LK Akpetou, P Annasawmy, FE Asuquo, F Beckman, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1130596, 2023
Impact of agricultural practices on ecosystem health of lagoons: a case study of the Keta Lagoon Complex in Ghana, West Africa
E Mahu, P Danso, MO Edusei, KAA deGraft-Johnson
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195 (5), 622, 2023
Provenance, paleo-weathering and-redox signatures of estuarine sediments from Ghana, Gulf of Guinea
E Mahu, DK Asiedu, E Nyarko, S Hulme, KH Coale, CY Anani
Quaternary International 493, 176-186, 2018
Edusei Oti, M., Oguguah, MN, & Gordon, C.(2023). Human health risk and food safety implications of microplastic consumption by fish from coastal waters of the eastern …
E Mahu, WG Datsomor, R Folorunsho, J Fisayo, R Crane, R Marchant, ...
Food Control 145, 109503, 2022
The bulk fluorescein diacetate assay (FDA) as a technique for evaluating biotic impacts of crude oil to coastal sediments
E Mahu, J Moore-Hanaway, B Maurer, N Welschmeyer, KH Coale
Environmental Earth Sciences 77, 1-10, 2018
A scoping review of coastal vulnerability, subsidence and sea level rise in Ghana: Assessments, knowledge gaps and management implications
SY Avornyo, KA Addo, P Teatini, P Minderhoud, MN Woillez, ...
Quaternary Science Advances 12, 100108, 2023
Enhancing satellite oceanography-driven research in West Africa: A case study of capacity development in an underserved region
ES Nyadjro, BK Arbic, CE Buckingham, PE Martin, E Mahu, JK Ansong, ...
Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences, 1-13, 2021
Geochemical assessment of heavy metals in surface sediments: A case study of the Tema Port, Ghana
E Nyarko, A Fletcher, S Addo, BAK Foli, E Mahu
Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering 4 (3-4), 2014
Petrography of detrital zircons from sandstones of the Lower Devonian Accraian Formation, SE Ghana: Implications on provenance
CY Anani, RO Anim, BN Armah, JF Atichogbe, PA Sakyi, E Mahu, ...
Geological Journal 55 (5), 3716-3731, 2020
Lophelia reefs off North and West Africa–Comparing environment and health
L Buhl-Mortensen, R Houssa, B M’bengue, ES Nyadjro, D Cervantes, ...
Marine Biology 171 (1), 29, 2024
The contribution of coastal land subsidence to potential sea-level rise impact in data-sparse settings: The case of Ghana’s Volta delta
SY Avornyo, PSJ Minderhoud, P Teatini, K Seeger, LT Hauser, ...
Quaternary Science Advances 14, 100175, 2024
Ocean Decade Vision 2030 White Papers–Challenge 9: Skills, Knowledge, Technology, and Participatory Decision-Making for All.
BK Arbic, E Mahu, K Alexander, PM Buchan, J Hermes, S Kidwai, ...
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Articles 1–20