Articles with public access mandates - Vincenzo Antonuccio-DeloguLearn more
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Feedback from reorienting AGN jets-I. Jet–ICM coupling, cavity properties and global energetics
S Cielo, A Babul, V Antonuccio-Delogu, J Silk, M Volonteri
Astronomy & Astrophysics 617, A58, 2018
Mandates: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
3D simulations of the early stages of AGN jets: geometry, thermodynamics and backflow
S Cielo, V Antonuccio-Delogu, AV Macciò, AD Romeo, J Silk
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 439 (3), 2903-2916, 2014
Mandates: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Jet interactions with a giant molecular cloud in the Galactic centre and ejection of hypervelocity stars
J Silk, V Antonuccio-Delogu, Y Dubois, V Gaibler, MR Haas, S Khochfar, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 545, L11, 2012
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Stellar population gradients from cosmological simulations: dependence on mass and environment in local galaxies
C Tortora, AD Romeo, NR Napolitano, V Antonuccio-Delogu, A Meza, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 411 (1), 627-634, 2011
Mandates: Swiss National Science Foundation
A study on the multicolour evolution of red-sequence galaxy populations: insights from hydrodynamical simulations and semi-analytical models
AD Romeo, X Kang, E Contini, J Sommer-Larsen, R Fassbender, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 581, A50, 2015
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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