Dr. Sajjad Wali Khan
Dr. Sajjad Wali Khan
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering & Technology
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Cited by
Axisymmetric flow of Casson fluid by a swirling cylinder
MF Javed, MI Khan, NB Khan, R Muhammad, MU Rehman, SW Khan, ...
Results in Physics 9, 1250-1255, 2018
Development of environment-friendly concrete through partial addition of waste glass powder (WGP) as cement replacement
FA Khan, K Shahzada, QS Ullah, M Fahim, SW Khan, YI Badrashi
Civil Engineering Journal 6 (12), 2332-2343, 2020
Experimental study on the behavior of waste marble powder as partial replacement of sand in concrete
A Ghani, Z Ali, FA Khan, SR Shah, SW Khan, M Rashid
SN Applied Sciences 2 (9), 1554, 2020
Purification of produced water using oscillatory membrane filtration
A Ullah, K Shahzada, SW Khan, V Starov
Desalination 491, 114428, 2020
On entropy generation effectiveness in flow of power law fluid with cubic autocatalytic chemical reaction
MF Javed, M Waqas, NB Khan, R Muhammad, MU Rehman, MI Khan, ...
Applied Nanoscience 9, 1205-1214, 2019
Performance evaluation of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Rice Husk Ash (RHA) in improving mechanical behavior of cement
W Khan, K Shehzada, T Bibi, SU Islam, SW Khan
Construction and Building Materials 176, 89-102, 2018
Weak form of efficient market hypothesis–Evidence from Pakistan
NU Khan, S Khan
Business & Economic Review 8, 1-18, 2016
Membrane oscillation and slot (pore) blocking in oil–water separation
A Ullah, J Ahmad, H Khan, SW Khan, F Zamani, SW Hasan, VM Starov, ...
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 142, 111-120, 2019
Numerical modeling for engineering analysis and designing of optimum support systems for headrace tunnel
S Hussain, Z Ur Rehman, N Mohammad, M Tahir, K Shahzada, ...
Advances in Civil Engineering 2018 (1), 7159873, 2018
Transport of Jeffrey nanomaterial in cubic autocatalytic chemically nonlinear radiated flow with entropy generation
MF Javed, M Waqas, MI Khan, NB Khan, R Muhammad, M Ur Rehman, ...
Applied Nanoscience 10, 3011-3019, 2020
Performance Evaluation of First Hop Redundancy Protocols
ZU Rahman, S Mukhtar, S Khan, R Khan, Z Ullah, R Rashid, W Ahmad
J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci 7 (3), 268-278, 2017
Densification of Concrete using Barite as Fine Aggregate and its Effect on Concrete Mechanical and Radiation Shielding Properties.
I Ahmad, K Shahzada, MI Ahmad, F Khan, YI Badrashi, SW Khan, ...
Journal of Engineering Research (2307-1877) 7 (4), 2019
Membrane oscillation and oil drop rejection during produced water purification
A Ullah, M Habib, SW Khan, MI Ahmad, VM Starov
Separation and Purification Technology 144, 16-22, 2015
Seismic capacity assessment of confined brick masonry building: an experimental approach
A Ahmed, I Ahmad, K Shahzada, MT Naqash, B Alam, M Fahad, ...
Shock and Vibration 2018 (1), 4756352, 2018
Optimization of SWCNTs and MWCNTs (single and multi-wall carbon nanotubes) in peristaltic transport with thermal radiation in a non-uniform channel
MF Javed, NB Khan, MI Khan, R Muhammad, MU Rehman, SW Khan, ...
Journal of Molecular Liquids 273, 383-391, 2019
Improving seismic capacity of dry stacked interlocking masonry structure through confinement at corners
A Gul, B Alam, IU Khan, SAA Shah, SW Khan, K Shahzada
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 165, 107710, 2023
Conversion of waste marble powder into a binding material
MA Khan, B Khan, K Shahzada, SW Khan, N Wahab, MI Ahmad
Civil Engineering Journal 6 (3), 431-445, 2020
Prediction of size distribution of crude oil drops in the permeate using a slotted pore membrane
A Ullah, RG Holdich, M Naeem, SW Khan, VM Starov
chemical engineering research and design 92 (11), 2775-2781, 2014
An integrated geospatial multi-influencing factor approach to delineate and identify groundwater potential zones in Kabul Province, Afghanistan
MJ Nasir, S Khan, T Ayaz, AZ Khan, W Ahmad, M Lei
Environmental Earth Sciences 80 (13), 453, 2021
Bending behavior of axially preloaded multilayered spiral strands
SW Khan, B Gencturk, K Shahzada, A Ullah
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 144 (12), 04018112, 2018
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Articles 1–20