Tara L McIsaac
Tara L McIsaac
Professor of Physical Therapy, Creighton University Phoenix
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Building a framework for a dual task taxonomy
TL McIsaac, EM Lamberg, LM Muratori
BioMed research international 2015 (1), 591475, 2015
Finger force coordination underlying object manipulation in the elderly–a mini-review
G Diermayr, TL McIsaac, AM Gordon
Gerontology 57 (3), 217-227, 2011
Cognitive-motor interference in neurodegenerative disease: a narrative review and implications for clinical management
TL McIsaac, NE Fritz, L Quinn, LM Muratori
Frontiers in psychology 9, 2061, 2018
Motor-unit synchrony within and across compartments of the human flexor digitorum superficialis
TL McIsaac, AJ Fuglevand
Journal of neurophysiology 97 (1), 550-556, 2007
Effects of kinesthetic versus visual imagery practice on two technical dance movements: a pilot study
E Coker Girón, T Mclsaac, D Nilsen
Journal of Dance Medicine & Science 16 (1), 36-38, 2012
Impaired anticipatory control of force sharing patterns during whole-hand grasping in Parkinson’s disease
LM Muratori, TL McIsaac, AM Gordon, M Santello
Experimental Brain Research 185, 41-52, 2008
Aging-related decrements during specific phases of the dual-task Timed Up-and-Go test
FS Porciuncula, AK Rao, TL McIsaac
Aging clinical and experimental research 28, 121-130, 2016
Cortical mechanisms for acquisition and performance of bimanual motor sequences
P De Weerd, K Reinke, L Ryan, T McIsaac, P Perschler, D Schnyer, ...
Neuroimage 19 (4), 1405-1416, 2003
Walking economy during cued versus non-cued self-selected treadmill walking in persons with Parkinson's disease
PM Gallo, TL McIsaac, CE Garber
Journal of Parkinson's Disease 4 (4), 705-716, 2014
Coordination of grasping and walking in Parkinson’s disease
F Albert, G Diemayr, TL McIsaac, AM Gordon
Experimental brain research 202, 709-721, 2010
Motor imagery modality in expert dancers: an investigation of hip and pelvis kinematics in demi-plie and saute
E Coker, TL McIsaac, D Nilsen
Journal of Dance Medicine & Science 19 (2), 63-69, 2015
A comparative study of time frequency representation techniques for freeze of gait detection and prediction
T Ashfaque Mostafa, S Soltaninejad, TL McIsaac, I Cheng
Sensors 21 (19), 6446, 2021
Common synaptic input across motor nuclei supplying intrinsic muscles involved in the precision grip
TL McIsaac, AJ Fuglevand
Experimental brain research 188, 159-164, 2008
Allocation of attention and dual-task effects on upper and lower limb task performance in healthy young adults
TL McIsaac, B Benjapalakorn
Experimental brain research 233, 2607-2617, 2015
Falls and spinal muscular atrophy: exploring cause and prevention
J Montes, TL Mcisaac, S Dunaway, S Kamil‐Rosenberg, D Sproule, ...
Muscle & Nerve 47 (1), 118-123, 2013
Aging effects on object transport during gait
G Diermayr, TL McIsaac, TR Kaminski, AM Gordon
Gait & posture 34 (3), 334-339, 2011
Within-trial modulation of multi-digit forces to friction
W Zhang, AM Gordon, TL McIsaac, M Santello
Experimental brain research 211, 17-26, 2011
Task-specific modulation of multi-digit forces to object texture
TL McIsaac, M Santello, JA Johnston, W Zhang, AM Gordon
Experimental brain research 194, 79-90, 2009
A physical therapy decision-making tool for stratifying persons with Parkinson’s disease into community exercise classes
EE Borchers, TL McIsaac, JK Bazan-Wigle, AJ Elkins, RC Bay, BG Farley
Neurodegenerative Disease Management 9 (6), 331-346, 2019
Walking economy during cued versus non-cued treadmill walking in persons with Parkinson's disease
PM Gallo, TL McIsaac, CE Garber
Journal of Parkinson's Disease 3 (4), 609-619, 2013
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Articles 1–20