Avinash Vaidheeswaran
Avinash Vaidheeswaran
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Bubble-induced turbulence modeling for vertical bubbly flows
A Vaidheeswaran, T Hibiki
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 115, 741-752, 2017
Investigation of Combustion Characteristics of Biodiesel and its Blends
V Raghavan, S Rajesh, S Parag, V Avinash
Combustion Science and Technology 181 (6), 877-891, 2009
Stability and convergence of computational eulerian two-fluid model for a bubble plume
A Vaidheeswaran, ML de Bertodano
Chemical Engineering Science 160, 210-226, 2017
Using a proper orthogonal decomposition to elucidate features in granular flows
JE Higham, M Shahnam, A Vaidheeswaran
Granular Matter 22, 1-13, 2020
New two-fluid model near-wall averaging and consistent matching for turbulent bubbly flows
A Vaidheeswaran, D Prabhudharwadkar, P Guilbert, JR Buchanan Jr, ...
Journal of Fluids Engineering 139 (1), 011302, 2017
Statistics of velocity fluctuations of Geldart A particles in a circulating fluidized bed riser
A Vaidheeswaran, F Shaffer, B Gopalan
Physical Review Fluids 2 (11), 112301, 2017
One-dimensional two-equation two-fluid model stability
M Lopez-de-Bertodano, W Fullmer, A Vaidheeswaran
Multiphase Science and Technology 25 (2-4), 2013
Modification of modal characteristics in wakes of square cylinders with multi-scale porosity
JE Higham, A Vaidheeswaran, W Brevis, F Nicolleau, J Marlow
Physics of Fluids 33 (4), 2021
Chaos and recurrence analyses of pressure signals from bubbling fluidized beds
A Vaidheeswaran, S Rowan
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 142, 110354, 2021
Toward the development of a verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification framework for granular and multiphase flows—part 1: screening study and sensitivity analysis
A Gel, A Vaidheeswaran, J Musser, CH Tong
Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification 3 (3), 031001, 2018
Interfacial Pressure Coefficient for Ellipsoids and Its Effect on the Two-Fluid Model Eigenvalues
A Vaidheeswaran, M Lopez de Bertodano
Journal of Fluids Engineering 138 (8), 2016
Two-fluid CFD simulations of cap bubble flow using the two-group interfacial area transport equations
D Prabhudharwadkar, A Vaidheeswaran, ML de Bertodano, J Buchanan, ...
The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows 4 (4), 363-374, 2012
Verification and Validation of MFiX-PIC
A Vaidheeswaran, J Musser, M Clarke
NETL, 2020
Effect of Collision Force on Well-Posedness and Stability of the Two-Fluid Model for Vertical Bubbly Flows
A Vaidheeswaran, D Fullmer, William, A Lopez de Bertodano
Nuclear Science and Engineering 184 (3), 353-362, 2016
MFIX documentation volume 3: verification and validation manual
J Musser, A Vaidheeswaran, MA Clarke
from URL http://mfix. netl. doe. gov, 2015
Anomalous diffusion in a bench-scale pulsed fluidized bed
JE Higham, M Shahnam, A Vaidheeswaran
Physical Review E 103 (4), 043103, 2021
Validation experiments on bubbling fluidization of Group B glass particles
A Vaidheeswaran, C Li, H Ashfaq, X Wu, S Rowan, WA Rogers
Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow, 1-10, 2022
Chaos in wavy-stratified fluid-fluid flow
A Vaidheeswaran, A Clausse, WD Fullmer, R Marino, ML de Bertodano
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 29 (3), 2019
Assessment of model parameters in MFiX particle-in-cell approach
A Vaidheeswaran, A Gel, MA Clarke, WA Rogers
Advanced Powder Technology 32 (8), 2962-2977, 2021
Well-posedness and convergence of cfd two-fluid model for bubbly flows
A Vaidheeswaran
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Articles 1–20