Bankruptcy prevention: new effort to reflect on legal and social changes T Kliestik, M Misankova, K Valaskova, L Svabova Science and Engineering Ethics 24, 791-803, 2018 | 349 | 2018 |
Remaining financially healthy and competitive: The role of financial predictors. T Kliestik, K Valaskova, G Lazaroiu, M Kovacova, J Vrbka Journal of Competitiveness, 2020 | 291 | 2020 |
Management of financial risks in Slovak enterprises using regression analysis K Valaskova, T Kliestik, M Kovacova Oeconomia copernicana 9 (1), 105-121, 2018 | 227 | 2018 |
Systematic review of variables applied in bankruptcy prediction models of Visegrad group countries M Kovacova, T Kliestik, K Valaskova, P Durana, Z Juhaszova Oeconomia Copernicana 10 (4), 743-772, 2019 | 208 | 2019 |
Blockchain technology and smart contracts in decentralized governance systems AP Balcerzak, E Nica, E Rogalska, M Poliak, T Klieštik, OM Sabie Administrative Sciences 12 (3), 96, 2022 | 202 | 2022 |
Advanced methods of earnings management: Monotonic trends and change-points under spotlight in the Visegrad countries T Kliestik, K Valaskova, E Nica, M Kovacova, G Lazaroiu Oeconomia Copernicana 11 (2), 371-400, 2020 | 171 | 2020 |
Financial risk measurement and prediction modelling for sustainable development of business entities using regression analysis K Valaskova, T Kliestik, L Svabova, P Adamko Sustainability 10 (7), 2144, 2018 | 171 | 2018 |
Networked, smart, and responsive devices in industry 4.0 manufacturing systems T Kliestik, E Nica, H Musa, M Poliak, EA Mihai Economics, Management and Financial Markets 15 (3), 23-29, 2020 | 162 | 2020 |
Advances in nutrient management make it possible to accelerate biogas production and thus improve the economy of food waste processing J Maroušek, O Strunecký, L Kolář, M Vochozka, M Kopecký, ... Energy sources, part A: recovery, utilization, and environmental effects 46 …, 2024 | 148 | 2024 |
Logit and probit model used for prediction of financial health of company T Klieštik, K Kočišová, M Mišanková Procedia economics and finance 23, 850-855, 2015 | 148 | 2015 |
Non-parametric approach to measuring the efficiency of banking sectors in European Union Countries AP Balcerzak, T Kliestik, D Streimikiene, L Smrcka Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 14 (7), 51-70, 2017 | 144 | 2017 |
Data-driven machine learning and neural network algorithms in the retailing environment: Consumer engagement, experience, and purchase behaviors T Kliestik, K Zvarikova, G Lăzăroiu Economics, Management and Financial Markets 17 (1), 57-69, 2022 | 137 | 2022 |
Earnings management in V4 countries: the evidence of earnings smoothing and inflating T Kliestik, J Belas, K Valaskova, E Nica, P Durana Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja 34 (1), 1452-1470, 2021 | 137 | 2021 |
Product decision-making information systems, real-time big data analytics, and deep learning-enabled smart process planning in sustainable industry 4.0 E Peters, T Kliestik, H Musa, P Durana Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics 8 (3), 16-22, 2020 | 137 | 2020 |
Logit and Probit application for the prediction of bankruptcy in Slovak companies M Kovacova, T Kliestik Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy 12 (4), 775-791, 2017 | 129 | 2017 |
Collateral requirements for SME loans: empirical evidence from the Visegrad countries A Rahman, J Belas, T Kliestik, L Tyll Journal of business economics and management 18 (4), 650-675, 2017 | 118 | 2017 |
Internet of things smart devices, industrial artificial intelligence, and real-time sensor networks in sustainable cyber-physical production systems G Lăzăroiu, T Kliestik, A Novak Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics 9 (1), 20-30, 2021 | 112 | 2021 |
Live shopping in the metaverse: Visual and spatial analytics, cognitive artificial intelligence techniques and algorithms, and immersive digital simulations T Kliestik, A Novak, G Lăzăroiu Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 21, 187-202, 2022 | 111 | 2022 |
Product decision-making information systems, real-time sensor networks, and artificial intelligence-driven big data analytics in sustainable Industry 4.0 A Novak, D Bennett, T Kliestik Economics, management and financial markets 16 (2), 62-72, 2021 | 104 | 2021 |
Digital twin simulation tools, spatial cognition algorithms, and multi-sensor fusion technology in sustainable urban governance networks E Nica, GH Popescu, M Poliak, T Kliestik, OM Sabie Mathematics 11 (9), 1981, 2023 | 91 | 2023 |