Gary John O'Sullivan
Gary John O'Sullivan
Research Fellow, Trinity College Dublin, LITHO3
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The trace element composition of apatite and its application to detrital provenance studies
G O'Sullivan, D Chew, G Kenny, I Henrichs, D Mulligan
Earth-Science Reviews 201, 103044, 2020
(LA, Q)-ICPMS trace-element analyses of Durango and McClure Mountain apatite and implications for making natural LA-ICPMS mineral standards
DM Chew, MG Babechuk, N Cogne, C Mark, GJ O'Sullivan, IA Henrichs, ...
Chemical Geology 435, 35-48, 2016
Sourcing the sand: Accessory mineral fertility, analytical and other biases in detrital U-Pb provenance analysis
D Chew, G O’Sullivan, L Caracciolo, C Mark, S Tyrrell
Earth-Science Reviews 202, 103093, 2020
The trace element and U-Pb systematics of metamorphic apatite
IA Henrichs, G O'Sullivan, DM Chew, C Mark, MG Babechuk, C McKenna, ...
Chemical Geology 483, 218-238, 2018
An integrated apatite geochronology and geochemistry tool for sedimentary provenance analysis
GJ O'Sullivan, DM Chew, AC Morton, C Mark, IA Henrichs
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 19 (4), 1309-1326, 2018
Detecting magma-poor orogens in the detrital record
GJ O’Sullivan, DM Chew, SD Samson
Geology 44 (10), 871-874, 2016
Trace element (Mn‐Sr‐Y‐Th‐REE) and U‐Pb isotope systematics of metapelitic apatite during progressive greenschist‐to amphibolite‐facies Barrovian metamorphism
IA Henrichs, DM Chew, GJ O'Sullivan, C Mark, C McKenna, P Guyett
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20 (8), 4103-4129, 2019
Late Cenozoic drainage reorganization of the paleo-Yangtze river constrained by multi-proxy provenance analysis of the Paleo-lake Xigeda
B Deng, D Chew, C Mark, S Liu, N Cogné, L Jiang, G O’sullivan, Z Li, J Li
Bulletin 133 (1-2), 199-211, 2021
The clastic record of a Wilson Cycle: Evidence from detrital apatite petrochronology of the Grampian-Taconic fore-arc
GJ O'Sullivan, DM Chew
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 552, 116588, 2020
Using apatite to resolve the age and protoliths of mid-crustal shear zones: A case study from the Taxaquara Shear Zone, SE Brazil
BV Ribeiro, JA Mulder, FM Faleiros, CL Kirkland, PA Cawood, ...
Lithos 378, 105817, 2020
Constraining recycled detritus in quartz‐rich sandstones: Insights from a multi‐proxy provenance study of the Mid‐Carboniferous, Clare Basin, western Ireland
M Nauton‐Fourteu, S Tyrrell, A Morton, C Mark, GJ O’Sullivan, DM Chew
Basin Research 33 (1), 342-363, 2021
On the track of a Scottish impact structure: a detrital zircon and apatite provenance study of the Stac Fada Member and wider Stoer Group, NW Scotland
GG Kenny, GJ O’Sullivan, S Alexander, MJ Simms, DM Chew, BS Kamber
Geological Magazine 156 (11), 1863-1876, 2019
Apatite U–Pb dating and geochemistry of the Kyrgyz South Tian Shan (Central Asia): Establishing an apatite fingerprint for provenance studies
S Glorie, S March, A Nixon, F Meeuws, GJ O’Sullivan, DM Chew, ...
Geoscience Frontiers 11 (6), 2003-2015, 2020
The Great Falls Tectonic Zone after the assembly of Laurentia: evidence for long-term tectonic stability from xenolith apatite
GJ O'Sullivan, Y Thakurdin, R Bolhar, P Horváth, BC Hoare, KD Collerson
Lithos 384, 105977, 2021
Variscan post-collisional cooling and uplift of the Tatra Mountains crystalline block constrained by integrated zircon, apatite and titanite LA-(MC)-ICP-MS U-Pb dating and rare …
A Gawęda, K Szopa, D Chew, GJ O'Sullivan, J Burda, U Klötzli, J Golonka
Chemical Geology 484, 191-209, 2018
Uranium–lead phosphate chronostratigraphy: a proof of concept from the mid-Carboniferous boundary
GJ O'Sullivan, JS Daly, J Murray, A Ó'Gogáin, DM Chew, F Drakou, ...
Sedimentary Geology 422, 105961, 2021
Characterisation and geodynamic setting of the 1 Ga granitoids of the Karagwe-Ankole belt (KAB), Rwanda
S De Clercq, D Chew, G O'Sullivan, T De Putter, J De Grave, S Dewaele
Precambrian Research 356, 106124, 2021
The application of machine learning methods to aggregate geochemistry predicts quarry source location: An example from Ireland
T Dornan, G O'Sullivan, N O'Riain, E Stueeken, R Goodhue
Computers & Geosciences 140, 104495, 2020
Diffusion and fluid interaction in Itrongay pegmatite (Madagascar): Evidence from in situ 40Ar/39Ar dating of gem-quality alkali feldspar and UPb dating of protogenetic apatite …
DV Popov, RA Spikings, S Scaillet, G O'Sullivan, D Chew, E Badenszki, ...
Chemical Geology 556, 119841, 2020
Detrital garnet geochronology by in situ U‐Pb and Lu‐Hf analysis: A case study from the European Alps
C Mark, G O’Sullivan, S Glorie, A Simpson, S Andò, M Barbarano, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 128 (9), e2023JF007244, 2023
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Articles 1–20