Jacqueline F Tweddle
Jacqueline F Tweddle
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Harmful algal blooms along the North American west coast region: History, trends, causes, and impacts
AJ Lewitus, RA Horner, DA Caron, E Garcia-Mendoza, BM Hickey, ...
Harmful algae 19, 133-159, 2012
Phytoplankton photoacclimation and photoadaptation in response to environmental gradients in a shelf sea
CM Moore, DJ Suggett, AE Hickman, YN Kim, JF Tweddle, J Sharples, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 51 (2), 936-949, 2006
Spring‐neap modulation of internal tide mixing and vertical nitrate fluxes at a shelf edge in summer
J Sharples, JF Tweddle, JA Mattias Green, MR Palmer, YN Kim, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 52 (5), 1735-1747, 2007
Internal tidal mixing as a control on continental margin ecosystems
J Sharples, CM Moore, AE Hickman, PM Holligan, JF Tweddle, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (23), 2009
Regional marine spatial planning–The data collection and mapping process
R Shucksmith, L Gray, C Kelly, JF Tweddle
Marine Policy 50, 1-9, 2014
Should phytoplankton be a key consideration for marine management?
JF Tweddle, M Gubbins, BE Scott
Marine Policy 97, 1-9, 2018
The diapcynal nutrient flux and shear-induced diapcynal mixing in the seasonally stratified western Irish Sea
TP Rippeth, P Wiles, MR Palmer, J Sharples, J Tweddle
Continental Shelf Research 29 (13), 1580-1587, 2009
Evaluation of marine spatial planning requires fit for purpose monitoring strategies
V Stelzenmüller, R Cormier, K Gee, R Shucksmith, M Gubbins, KL Yates, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 278, 111545, 2021
Review and evaluation of marine spatial planning in the Shetland Islands
C Kelly, L Gray, R Shucksmith, JF Tweddle
Marine Policy 46, 152-160, 2014
Investigating options on how to address cumulative impacts in marine spatial planning
C Kelly, L Gray, RJ Shucksmith, JF Tweddle
Ocean & Coastal Management 102, 139-148, 2014
Enhanced nutrient fluxes at the shelf sea seasonal thermocline caused by stratified flow over a bank
JF Tweddle, J Sharples, MR Palmer, K Davidson, S McNeill
Progress in Oceanography 117, 37-47, 2013
Physical controls of food supply to benthic filter feeders in the Menai Strait, UK
JF Tweddle, JH Simpson, CD Janzen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 289, 79-88, 2005
Relationships among upwelling, phytoplankton blooms, and phycotoxins in coastal Oregon shellfish
JF Tweddle, PG Strutton, DG Foley, L O’Higgins, AM Wood, B Scott, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 405, 131-145, 2010
Rapid assessment of marine non-native species in the Shetland Islands, Scotland
S Collin, J Tweddle, R Shucksmith
BioInvasions Records 4 (3), 147-155, 2015
Pelagic habitat: exploring the concept of good environmental status
M Dickey-Collas, A McQuatters-Gollop, E Bresnan, AC Kraberg, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (9), 2333-2341, 2017
Developing regional locational guidance for wave and tidal energy in the Shetland Islands
JF Tweddle, L Gray, C Kelly, R Shucksmith
Marine Policy 50, 53-66, 2014
Regional Locational Guidance for wave and tidal energy in the Shetland Islands
JF Tweddle, L Gray, C Kelly, I Marengo, R Shucksmith
NAFC Marine Centre, 2012
The Cooperative Participatory Evaluation of Renewable Technologies on Ecosystem Services (CORPORATES)
BE Scott, KN Irvine, M Gubbins, A Kafas, J Kenter, A MacDonald, ...
Marine Scotland Science, 2016
Shetland marine spatial plan: an ecosystem-based approach in formulating marine policy and management options
C Kelly, L Gray, R Shucksmith, J Tweddle
ASC 2012-Theme session I, 2012
Nutrient fluxes into the seasonal thermocline of the Celtic Sea
JF Tweddle
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