Marta Tomaszkiewicz
Marta Tomaszkiewicz
Assistant Research Professor, Penn State University
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Cited by
The complete sequence of a human Y chromosome
A Rhie, S Nurk, M Cechova, SJ Hoyt, DJ Taylor, N Altemose, PW Hook, ...
Nature 621 (7978), 344-354, 2023
Y and W chromosome assemblies: approaches and discoveries
M Tomaszkiewicz, P Medvedev, KD Makova
Trends in genetics 33 (4), 266-282, 2017
A time-and cost-effective strategy to sequence mammalian Y Chromosomes: an application to the de novo assembly of gorilla Y
M Tomaszkiewicz, S Rangavittal, M Cechova, RC Sanchez, ...
Genome Research 26 (4), 530-540, 2016
Deciphering highly similar multigene family transcripts from Iso-Seq data with IsoCon
K Sahlin, M Tomaszkiewicz, KD Makova, P Medvedev
Nature Communications 9 (1), 1-12, 2018
High satellite repeat turnover in great apes studied with short-and long-read technologies
M Cechova, RS Harris, M Tomaszkiewicz, B Arbeithuber, F Chiaromonte, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 36 (11), 2415-2431, 2019
Dynamic evolution of great ape Y chromosomes
M Cechova, R Vegesna, M Tomaszkiewicz, RS Harris, D Chen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (42), 26273-26280, 2020
DiscoverY: a classifier for identifying Y chromosome sequences in male assemblies
S Rangavittal, N Stopa, M Tomaszkiewicz, K Sahlin, KD Makova, ...
BMC Genomics 20 (1), 641, 2019
Dosage regulation, and variation in gene expression and copy number of human Y chromosome ampliconic genes
R Vegesna, M Tomaszkiewicz, P Medvedev, KD Makova
PLoS Genetics 15 (9), e1008369, 2019
RecoverY: k-mer-based read classification for Y-chromosome-specific sequencing and assembly
S Rangavittal, RS Harris, M Cechova, M Tomaszkiewicz, R Chikhi, ...
Bioinformatics 34 (7), 1125-1131, 2018
High levels of copy number variation of ampliconic genes across major human Y haplogroups
D Ye, AA Zaidi, M Tomaszkiewicz, K Anthony, C Liebowitz, M DeGiorgio, ...
Genome Biology and Evolution 10 (5), 1333-1350, 2018
Reverse Transcription Errors and RNA–DNA Differences at Short Tandem Repeats
A Fungtammasan, M Tomaszkiewicz, R Campos-Sánchez, KA Eckert, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 33 (10), 2744-2758, 2016
Ampliconic genes on the great ape Y chromosomes: rapid evolution of copy number but conservation of expression levels
R Vegesna, M Tomaszkiewicz, OA Ryder, R Campos-Sánchez, ...
Genome biology and evolution 12 (6), 842-859, 2020
A multicopy Y-chromosomal SGNH hydrolase gene expressed in the testis of the platyfish has been captured and mobilized by a Helitron transposon
M Tomaszkiewicz, D Chalopin, M Schartl, D Galiana, JN Volff
BMC Genetics 15 (1), 1-13, 2014
Molecular analysis of the sex chromosomes of the platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus: towards the identification of a new type of master sexual regulator in vertebrates
A Böhne, C Schultheis, D GALIANA‐ARNOUX, A Froschauer, Q Zhou, ...
Integrative Zoology 4 (3), 277-284, 2009
Comparative cytogenetic studies of the Nototheniidae (Teleostei: Acanthomorpha) from the Indian (Kerguelen-Heard Plateau) and Atlantic (South Georgia, South Sandwich, Falkland …
M Tomaszkiewicz, M Hautecoeur, JP Coutanceau, C Bonillo, A Dettaï, ...
The Kergueleen Plateau: marine ecosystem and fisheries. Société française d …, 2011
Transcript Isoform Diversity of Ampliconic Genes on the Y Chromosome of Great Apes
KDM Marta Tomaszkiewicz, Kristoffer Sahlin, Paul Medvedev
Genome Biology and Evolution 15 (11), 17, 2023
High inter-and intraspecific turnover of satellite repeats in great apes
M Cechova, RS Harris
bioRxiv 470054, 2018
Heterogamety in the Baltic Glacial Relict Saduria Entomon (Isopoda: Valvifera)
M Tomaszkiewicz, K Smolarz, M Wołowicz
Journal of Crustacean Biology 30 (4), 757-761, 2010
Copy number variation of ampliconic genes across major human Y haplogroups
D Ye
bioRxiv, 2017
LTR retroelement-derived protein-coding genes and vertebrate evolution
D Chalopin, M Tomaszkiewicz, D Galiana, JN Volff
Viruses: essential agents of life, 269-282, 2012
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Articles 1–20