Linda Henkel
Linda Henkel
Professor of Psychology, Fairfield University
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Evaluating characteristics of false memories: Remember/know judgments and memory characteristics questionnaire compared
M Mather, LA Henkel, MK Johnson
Memory & Cognition 25 (6), 826-837, 1997
Aging and source monitoring: cognitive processes and neuropsychological correlates.
LA Henkel, MK Johnson, DM De Leonardis
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 127 (3), 251, 1998
Point-and-shoot memories: The influence of taking photos on memory for a museum tour
LA Henkel
Psychological science 25 (2), 396-402, 2014
Reading is believing: The truth effect and source credibility
LA Henkel, ME Mattson
Consciousness and cognition 20 (4), 1705-1721, 2011
Cross-modal source monitoring confusions between perceived and imagined events.
LA Henkel, N Franklin, MK Johnson
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 26 (2), 321, 2000
A survey of people's attitudes and beliefs about false confessions
LA Henkel, KAJ Coffman, EM Dailey, BA
Behavioral Sciences & the Law 26 (5), 555-584, 2008
Memory attributions for choices: How beliefs shape our memories
LA Henkel, M Mather
Journal of Memory and Language 57 (2), 163-176, 2007
Memory distortions in coerced false confessions: A source monitoring framework analysis
LA Henkel, KJ Coffman
Applied Cognitive Psychology: The Official Journal of the Society for …, 2004
Parsing surrounding space into regions
N Franklin, LA Henkel, T Zangas
Memory & Cognition 23, 397-407, 1995
Reality monitoring of physically similar and conceptually related objects
LA Henkel, N Franklin
Memory & Cognition 26, 659-673, 1998
Erroneous memories arising from repeated attempts to remember
LA Henkel
Journal of Memory and Language 50 (1), 26-46, 2004
The role of free choice in memory for past decisions
K Stoll Benney, LA Henkel
Memory 14 (8), 1001-1011, 2006
Collaborative remembering in older adults: age-invariant outcomes in the context of episodic recall deficits.
LA Henkel, S Rajaram
Psychology and Aging 26 (3), 532, 2011
The role of emotional intelligence and empathy in compassionate nursing care
A Beauvais, M Andreychik, LA Henkel
Mindfulness & Compassion 2 (2), 92-100, 2017
The applied value of collaborative memory research in aging: Behavioral and neural considerations
HM Blumen, S Rajaram, L Henkel
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 2 (2), 107-117, 2013
The functions and value of reminiscence for older adults in long-term residential care facilities
LA Henkel, A Kris, S Birney, K Krauss
Memory 25 (3), 425-435, 2017
Remembering what we did: How source misattributions arise from verbalization, mental imagery, and pictures
LA Henkel, M Carbuto
Applied memory, 213-234, 2008
Photograph‐induced memory errors: When photographs make people claim they have done things they have not
LA Henkel
Applied Cognitive Psychology 25 (1), 78-86, 2011
Jurors’ reactions to recanted confessions: Do the defendant's personal and dispositional characteristics play a role?
LA Henkel
Psychology, Crime & Law 14 (6), 565-578, 2008
The benefits and costs of repeated memory tests for young and older adults.
LA Henkel
Psychology and Aging 22 (3), 580, 2007
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Articles 1–20