Articles with public access mandates - Kenneth LayLearn more
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In vivo transcriptional governance of hair follicle stem cells by canonical Wnt regulators
WH Lien, L Polak, M Lin, K Lay, D Zheng, E Fuchs
Nature cell biology 16 (2), 179, 2014
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Enteroviral 3C protease activates the human NLRP1 inflammasome in airway epithelia
KS Robinson, DET Teo, KS Tan, GA Toh, HH Ong, CK Lim, K Lay, BV Au, ...
Science 370 (6521), 2020
Mandates: European Molecular Biology Laboratory, A*Star, Singapore, National Medical …
FOXC1 maintains the hair follicle stem cell niche and governs stem cell quiescence to preserve long-term tissue-regenerating potential
K Lay, T Kume, E Fuchs
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (11), E1506-E1515, 2016
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, A*Star …
Patient-specific induced-pluripotent stem cells-derived cardiomyocytes recapitulate the pathogenic phenotypes of dilated cardiomyopathy due to a novel DES mutation identified …
HF Tse, JCY Ho, SW Choi, YK Lee, AW Butler, KM Ng, CW Siu, ...
Human molecular genetics 22 (7), 1395-1403, 2013
Mandates: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
NOVA-dependent regulation of cryptic NMD exons controls synaptic protein levels after seizure
T Eom, C Zhang, H Wang, K Lay, J Fak, JL Noebels, RB Darnell
Elife 2, e00178, 2013
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Human NLRP1 is a sensor of pathogenic coronavirus 3CL proteases in lung epithelial cells
R Planès, M Pinilla, K Santoni, A Hessel, C Passemar, K Lay, P Paillette, ...
Molecular cell 82 (13), 2385-2400. e9, 2022
Mandates: European Commission
Stem cells expand potency and alter tissue fitness by accumulating diverse epigenetic memories
KAU Gonzales, L Polak, I Matos, MT Tierney, A Gola, E Wong, ...
Science 374 (6571), eabh2444, 2021
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, A*Star, Singapore, Damon Runyon Cancer …
Structural basis for distinct inflammasome complex assembly by human NLRP1 and CARD8
Q Gong, K Robinson, C Xu, PT Huynh, KHC Chong, EYJ Tan, J Zhang, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1-15, 2021
Mandates: A*Star, Singapore, National Medical Research Council, Singapore, National …
A comprehensive analysis of the effects of the deaminase AID on the transcriptome and methylome of activated B cells
EL Fritz, BR Rosenberg, K Lay, A Mihailović, T Tuschl, FN Papavasiliou
Nature immunology 14 (7), 749, 2013
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Stem cells repurpose proliferation to contain a breach in their niche barrier
K Lay, S Yuan, S Gur-Cohen, Y Miao, T Han, S Naik, HA Pasolli, ...
eLife 7, e41661, 2018
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, A*Star …
DPP9 deficiency: An inflammasomopathy that can be rescued by lowering NLRP1/IL-1 signaling
CR Harapas, KS Robinson, K Lay, J Wong, R Moreno Traspas, ...
Science immunology 7 (75), eabi4611, 2022
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, National …
The cardiomyocyte “redox rheostat”: redox signalling via the AMPK-mTOR axis and regulation of gene and protein expression balancing survival and death
DN Meijles, G Zoumpoulidou, T Markou, KA Rostron, R Patel, K Lay, ...
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 129, 118-129, 2019
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, British Heart Foundation, Wellcome Trust …
Regulation of expression of the rat orthologue of mouse double minute 2 (MDM2) by H2O2-induced oxidative stress in neonatal rat cardiac myocytes
S Pikkarainen, RA Kennedy, AK Marshall, K Lay, TA Kriz, BS Handa, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry, jbc. M109. 037887, 2009
Mandates: British Heart Foundation
Loss of FOCAD, operating via the SKI messenger RNA surveillance pathway, causes a pediatric syndrome with liver cirrhosis
R Moreno Traspas, TS Teoh, PM Wong, M Maier, CY Chia, K Lay, NA Ali, ...
Nature genetics 54 (8), 1214-1226, 2022
Mandates: Department of Biotechnology, India, Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance, A …
A homozygous p.Leu813Pro gain-of-function NLRP1 variant causes phenotypes of different severity in two siblings
M Li, K Lay, A Zimmer, K Technau-Hafsi, J Wong, ...
British Journal of Dermatology 188 (2), 259-267, 2023
Mandates: A*Star, Singapore
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