The theory of reasoned action and planned behavior in exercise behavior: A meta-analysis HA Hausenblas, AV Carron, DE Mack Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 19, 36-51, 1997 | 1365 | 1997 |
The relation of self-efficacy measures to sport performance: A meta-analytic review SE Moritz, DL Feltz, KR Fahrbach, DE Mack Research quarterly for exercise and sport 71 (3), 280-294, 2000 | 1336 | 2000 |
Imagery use by athletes: development of the sport imagery questionnaire. CR Hall, DE Mack, A Paivio, HA Hausenblas International Journal of Sport Psychology, 1998 | 893 | 1998 |
Athletic identity in marathon runners: Functional focus or dysfunctional commitment? RS Horton, DE Mack Journal of Sport Behavior 23 (2), 2000 | 604 | 2000 |
Social influence and exercise: A meta-analysis. AV Carron, HA Hausenblas, D Mack Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 1996 | 573 | 1996 |
Understanding motivation for exercise: a self-determination theory perspective. PM Wilson, DE Mack, KP Grattan Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne 49 (3), 250, 2008 | 444 | 2008 |
Psychological need satisfaction and thwarting: A test of basic psychological needs theory in physical activity contexts KE Gunnell, PRE Crocker, PM Wilson, DE Mack, BD Zumbo Psychology of sport and exercise 14 (5), 599-607, 2013 | 366 | 2013 |
Physical activity and subjective well-being among people with spinal cord injury: a meta-analysis KAM Ginis, A Jetha, DE Mack, S Hetz Spinal cord 48 (1), 65-72, 2009 | 279 | 2009 |
Social physique anxiety in adolescence: An exploration of influences, coping strategies, and health behaviors CM Sabiston, WA Sedgwick, PRE Crocker, KC Kowalski, DE Mack Journal of Adolescent Research 22 (1), 78-101, 2007 | 218 | 2007 |
On the nature and function of scoring protocols used in exercise motivation research: An empirical study of the behavioural regulation in exercise questionnaire PM Wilson, CM Sabiston, DE Mack, CM Blanchard Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2012 | 208 | 2012 |
The role of body-related self-conscious emotions in motivating women's physical activity. CM Sabiston, J Brunet, KC Kowalski, PM Wilson, DE Mack, PRE Crocker Journal of sport & exercise psychology 32 (4), 417-437, 2010 | 189 | 2010 |
Social physique anxiety and eating disorder correlates among female athletic and nonathletic populations HA Hausenblas, DE Mack Journal of Sport Behavior 22 (4), 502-513, 1999 | 189 | 1999 |
Factorial validity of the social physique anxiety scale for females RC Eklund, D Mack, E Hart Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 18 (3), 281-295, 1996 | 130 | 1996 |
Relationships between physical self-presentation and sport competition trait anxiety: A preliminary study. KA Martin, D Mack Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 1996 | 130 | 1996 |
Coping with social physique anxiety in adolescence KC Kowalski, DE Mack, PRE Crocker, CB Niefer, TL Fleming Journal of Adolescent Health 39 (2), 275. e9-275. e16, 2006 | 125 | 2006 |
Well-being in volleyball players: Examining the contributions of independent and balanced psychological need satisfaction DE Mack, PM Wilson, KG Oster, KC Kowalski, PRE Crocker, BD Sylvester Psychology of Sport and Exercise 12 (5), 533-539, 2011 | 115 | 2011 |
Body-related pride in young adults: An exploration of the triggers, contexts, outcomes and attributions AL Castonguay, JD Gilchrist, DE Mack, CM Sabiston Body Image 10 (3), 335-343, 2013 | 91 | 2013 |
Health‐enhancing physical activity: Associations with markers of well‐being DE Mack, PM Wilson, KE Gunnell, JD Gilchrist, KC Kowalski, ... Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being 4 (2), 127-150, 2012 | 89 | 2012 |
Osteoporosis health beliefs and knowledge in college students: the role of dietary restraint KL Gammage, C Francoeur, DE Mack, P Klentrou Eating behaviors 10 (1), 65-67, 2009 | 80 | 2009 |
Does Friendship Matter? An Examination of Social Physique Anxiety in Adolescence1 DE Mack, HA Strong, KC Kowalski, PRE Crocker Journal of Applied Social Psychology 37 (6), 1248-1264, 2007 | 66 | 2007 |