Ralph Hückelhoven
Ralph Hückelhoven
Other namesRalph Hueckelhoven, Ralph Huckelhoven
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The endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica reprograms barley to salt-stress tolerance, disease resistance, and higher yield
F Waller, B Achatz, H Baltruschat, J Fodor, K Becker, M Fischer, T Heier, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (38), 13386-13391, 2005
SNARE-protein-mediated disease resistance at the plant cell wall
NC Collins, H Thordal-Christensen, V Lipka, S Bau, E Kombrink, JL Qiu, ...
Nature 425 (6961), 973-977, 2003
Cell wall–associated mechanisms of disease resistance and susceptibility
R Hückelhoven
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 45 (1), 101-127, 2007
Endophyte or parasite–what decides?
KH Kogel, P Franken, R Hückelhoven
Current opinion in plant biology 9 (4), 358-363, 2006
Hypersensitive cell death and papilla formation in barley attacked by the powdery mildew fungus are associated with hydrogen peroxide but not with salicylic acid accumulation
R Hückelhoven, J Fodor, C Preis, KH Kogel
Plant physiology 119 (4), 1251-1260, 1999
Bipolaris sorokiniana, a cereal pathogen of global concern: cytological and molecular approaches towards better control‡
J Kumar, P Schäfer, R Hückelhoven, G Langen, H Baltruschat, E Stein, ...
Molecular plant pathology 3 (4), 185-195, 2002
The root endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica requires host cell death for proliferation during mutualistic symbiosis with barley
S Deshmukh, R Hückelhoven, P Schäfer, J Imani, M Sharma, M Weiss, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (49), 18450-18457, 2006
A lectin S-domain receptor kinase mediates lipopolysaccharide sensing in Arabidopsis thaliana
S Ranf, N Gisch, M Schäffer, T Illig, L Westphal, YA Knirel, ...
Nature immunology 16 (4), 426-433, 2015
Multivesicular bodies participate in a cell wall‐associated defence response in barley leaves attacked by the pathogenic powdery mildew fungus
Q An, R Hückelhoven, KH Kogel, AJE Van Bel
Cellular microbiology 8 (6), 1009-1019, 2006
Reactive oxygen intermediates in plant-microbe interactions: who is who in powdery mildew resistance?
R Hückelhoven, KH Kogel
Planta 216, 891-902, 2003
A compromised Mlo pathway affects the response of barley to the necrotrophic fungus Bipolaris sorokiniana (teleomorph: Cochliobolus sativus) and its toxins
J Kumar, R Hückelhoven, U Beckhove, S Nagarajan, KH Kogel
Phytopathology 91 (2), 127-133, 2001
Overexpression of barley BAX inhibitor 1 induces breakdown of mlo-mediated penetration resistance to Blumeria graminis
R Hückelhoven, C Dechert, KH Kogel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (9), 5555-5560, 2003
BAX Inhibitor-1, an ancient cell death suppressor in animals and plants with prokaryotic relatives
R Hückelhoven
Apoptosis 9, 299-307, 2004
The receptor‐like MLO protein and the RAC/ROP family G‐protein RACB modulate actin reorganization in barley attacked by the biotrophic powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis f …
KS Opalski, H Schultheiss, KH Kogel, R Hückelhoven
The Plant Journal 41 (2), 291-303, 2005
Biotic and abiotic stress responses in crop plants
T Dresselhaus, R Hückelhoven
Agronomy 8 (11), 267, 2018
Cell biology of the plant–powdery mildew interaction
R Hückelhoven, R Panstruga
Current opinion in plant biology 14 (6), 738-746, 2011
Multivesicular compartments proliferate in susceptible and resistant MLA12-barley leaves in response to infection by the biotrophic powdery mildew fungus.
Q An, K Ehlers, KH Kogel, AJE Van Bel, R Hückelhoven
New Phytologist 172 (3), 2006
A small GTP-binding host protein is required for entry of powdery mildew fungus into epidermal cells of barley
H Schultheiss, C Dechert, KH Kogel, R Huckelhoven
Plant Physiology 128 (4), 1447-1454, 2002
Do plant cells secrete exosomes derived from multivesicular bodies?
Q An, AJE van Bel, R Hückelhoven
Plant signaling & behavior 2 (1), 4-7, 2007
Bacterial medium-chain 3-hydroxy fatty acid metabolites trigger immunity in Arabidopsis plants
A Kutschera, C Dawid, N Gisch, C Schmid, L Raasch, T Gerster, ...
Science 364 (6436), 178-181, 2019
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